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They do. It's true they are all 2 faced and only care about themselves. It's sad to say but I have to face facts. I just don't know what to do though.


Ok well some of you may have read a previous post about Sarah who has totally sacked us off for her new boyfriend so we've all just been getting on with it, leaving her to it. We've lost her. We've dealt with it.


But now, Amy (ma best mate) had an exam with Sarah yesterday and this is the first time they seen each other since we left school. They talked obviously....and then Amy went and told her it was me that had been slagging her off to everyone.


Ok, I did slag her off a bit but Amy slagged her off LOADS and so did everyone else so the blame shouldn't just be given to me. Plus Sarah is the one who cut us out of her life so she shouldn't expect us to not think horrible things about her.


So now I don't know what to do. Amy doesn't know that I know what she said to Sarah. Should I confront Amy? She's being really 2 faced over this but she's my best mate and I don't want to lose her. I also know I'll NEVER see Sarah again, she may try to confront me on 'bebo' about it but I just can't be bothered to argue about it.


Arghh sometimes I just wanna cry. It's so unfair. I really don't know what to do! Someone help please....

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Take my advice, learn to befriend yourself.


Very true Red Queen...


Your at the age where your girlfriends will be spreading out and doing their own thing and yes, many girls ditch their friends for guys. I'm 30 now and the same group of friends I've had during elementary, middle, and high school.. all keep in touch now more than ever. Always be there for your friends and know when to keep your distance. And... never depend on anyone for your happiness. You will be let down again and again. People make mistakes and your friends will be happy when you welcome them back with open arms when they have time for you. Get out there and have some fun and make new friends also.

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Err..umm...aren't you being a bit two faced yourself? Now it's coming back to bite ya in the bum.

Best not to talk badly about 'friends' unless you are doing it directly to them. I know girls are especially bad for this, but it doesn't have to be that way.


How would you feel if you lost all these girls as friends?

Just think about it.

Maybe you are mad or upset right now. I know it sucks when a friend gets a bf and suddenly forgets about friends.

Happened to me when my friend got her first bf.


These things pass. You'll either rise above it or the friendships will disintegrate in gossip and bad talking.


I can tell you this: in a few years none of this will matter.

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Err..umm...aren't you being a bit two faced yourself? Now it's coming back to bite ya in the bum.

Best not to talk badly about 'friends' unless you are doing it directly to them. I know girls are especially bad for this, but it doesn't have to be that way.


How would you feel if you lost all these girls as friends?

Just think about it.

Maybe you are mad or upset right now. I know it sucks when a friend gets a bf and suddenly forgets about friends.

Happened to me when my friend got her first bf.


These things pass. You'll either rise above it or the friendships will disintegrate in gossip and bad talking.


I can tell you this: in a few years none of this will matter.


I was being 2 faced yes, but I did tell Sarah to her face that it was sad how she's just forgotton about us after 7 years of being best friends. To be honest, we don't get along anymore so i'm happy she's not in my life. Also Amy is being 2 faced, she was the worst one for slagging Sarah off. I said one little thing which was "i think it's quite sad and pathetic that she's not coming to prom just so she can go out drinking in town".


It's just the Amy thing that got at me, that's upsetting me. I'm just gonna leave it though, not worth getting worked up over!


Thanks people

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How would you feel if you lost all these girls as friends?



I can tell you this: in a few years none of this will matter.


Very true...

Good friends are hard to come by and you will cherish them when you are older and have more important issues to be concerned about. Don't be negative and gossip, that will destroy friendships. When your girlfriend does something you don't like... think to yourself... "I don't like this... or "I don't approve of what she's doing".. but she is a good friend and a good person and will hopefully be there for you when you fall and make a mistake or 2 of your own.

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I have dealt with this situation alot and trust me it never works out because all they'll do is cover it up with pretty nothings and then go back to being two-faced at which point you'll get mad and then it'll happen all over again what I did was just moved on started to make new friends and after that I now have the best friend I could ever ask for we're always straight up with each other and we never talk * * * * about each other! So take my word for it and just make new friends tell these two-faced people your sick of it and just go off and find new friends

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In some cases it is best to let the friends go their separate ways. I've been in this situation. The friends I've let go, I still care for them but its best to end it. We still talk to each other if we pass each other at church. We say hi and ask the other person how they are doing. And that is it.


As the others have been saying Don't talk about each other behind your backs. It will come back and haunt you. I'm ashamed to admit that has happened to me. I"m ashamed I talked about them behind their backs.


Ultimatly, the descision is up to you. You always look better when you take the high road. It may not be easy but, trust me its worth it.

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