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Sorry it took a while to reply, but the date went very well! He kept me laughing the whole time. I could tell there was something special about him, and not just because we were both on our best behavior.


He had a genuine sense of humor, yet not overkill. He opened all my doors for me, let me go first, real gentleman...


He's definatley different from my ex, not that I want to compare, but he makes me laugh, he's considerate, and he he is family oriented which I think is super! I haven't laughed genuinley in SO long.


He's taking me out to this nice sushi place near the coast tomorrow! Im super excited. He was telling me that he can't wait, "great food, great girl, is it wednesday yet?" I was flattered when he said that, because I never got complimented like that with my ex.


I'll let you all know how it goes.

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Rachel, I'm really proud of you. Seriously, you are doing so wonderfully here, and it's a relief to see that you're putting yourself and your feelings first after so long. Stay strong, because it's really worth it in the end to do so.

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You are a shinning example of how taking the right steps to get out of an abusive relationship can really work! I'm so happy for you and thanks for keeping us posted. It's really amazing how clear the picture can get once you have an open mind to listening to others stories. Now you can help others by sharing your stories while reinforcing your own new found strength!



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You are a shinning example of how taking the right steps to get out of an abusive relationship can really work!


Absolutely. I am going to start directing victims of abuse to your thread. I know you're not completely out of the woods yet, but darn close. You'll have "waves" of regret/missing him/anger/insecurity, but those waves do go away fairly soon, and eventually, they'll come fewer and further between until one day, they're permanently GONE.

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This is very true. It just takes the strength of maintaining NC, and not letting what they do get to you. My ex, and especially in the cases of abusive ex's, will do MANY things to hurt you, whether on purpose, or simply because they never cared in the first place, but those are the things you just have to let go.


I found that not looking at his profile on the dating sight, as well as blocking him from my email helped so much.

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