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Terrified of being seen naked

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I know this is a very common thread, but it varies from person to person, so searching doesn't really help me.

Im a size 14/12 [uk sizes, no idea what that is an American], 5ft 10 and weight 10stone 11 pounds. Im a healthy weight, just not an attractive weight. I hate the idea of being seen naked. I guess for everyone without amazingly high self esteem it's daunting, but I absolutely dread the thought. I know confidence is attractive, but wouldnt it seem unjustified? Friends and family have said Im good looking, but isnt their job to validate me?

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Have you ever been intimately naked with someone? That is what I use to be like before I had taken it to that level of experience with another person...


I think it takes a little bit of experience for everyone of us to feel comfortable being naked around others privately.

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Even people with the most "perfect" bodies, usually have something that they don't like about their bodies that makes them self-conscious. In many cases, the "problem" is exaggerated in their minds and doesn't actually look "bad" like they think it does.


Hopefully, in any sexual experience, you will feel close enough and connected enough to your partner to not be thinking about any insecurities you may have, and instead get lost the moment and just enjoy it.


If you are really uncomfortable, turn the bright lights off and light a candle instead.


If there are aspects of your physique that really bother you- then you might want to consider adding some dietary changes and exercise to your lifestyle. It can make just about anyone look and feel better- and also most importantly, improves your health.




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Oh Blured, I'm a size 14 pre-pregnant size, full of the "trophies" child bearing and used to be so paranoid about myself it was untrue. I spent the first 14 years of my marriage hiding behind the light's off ritual, even when I was a size 8 bag of bones at the beginning.


I learned that confidence starts with learning to love yourself for who you are. Now I must be at the most unnatractive stage of my journey through motherhood, heavily pregnant at 31 weeks, excess baby weight with more "trophies" (stretch marks) but with a self built confidence that hubby loves. God I sound grotesque lol, but If we want it we have it, I've thrown all insecurities to the wind and I'll get it all off whenever the need takes hold.


Learn to think of yourself as a beautiful creation, there's no such thing as perfect!

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No one is perfect. Even models have things they are self conscious about - even more so because those very things are often airbrushed out only reinforcing their insecurities!


We tend to look at our own bodies with a very critical eye, but we shouldn't. Those whom love us sure don't. The very things I have found myself to be self conscious about at times, are the very things that my partner says turns him on for example. I would hope that anyone you are getting intimate with would be loving, caring, of you for being you. And if you are really self conscious about your own appearance, it will only hinder your enjoyment of the experience.


You can love yourself, even with imperfections! My imperfections are part of me and who I AM, and that is totally okay. It takes time to get there, believe me I know, but it can be done!


I also totally agree with the exercising - not to lose weight per say necessarily, but it DOES improve your confidence, your pride in what your body can DO (rather then worry about what is wrong with it) and has the benefits of better muscle tone and better health too I know for me it is a very positive thing in my life, towards my health and positive body image.

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When I was at art collage we where asked if some of us could work as life models as we could not aford a real one, you lose your self conshisness I tell you after doing that in front of the class. The cool thing was the best body shapes for art of not glamer models but our bodys full of bumps and curves. There was on girl who was let say big, but she was grate and we all loved painter her as she was very good at making intaresting body froms and could keep still.

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Have you ever been intimately naked with someone? That is what I use to be like before I had taken it to that level of experience with another person...

Son, do not worry. At the right time you will have no spare CPU capacity to worry about it.


No problem to stay and sleep together naked, it's natural.

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My girlfriend was the same way to a lesser degree and she's 5' 10", 110 lbs and a freaking size 1. When we first started dating she was terrified of me seeing her naked because she has a slight deformation in her hip to where it is indented... It's hard to explain, but for a few months she couldn't stand my seeing her naked because of it.. I mean, we still had sex, took showers, undressed and dressed together, but she would get very uncomfortable if I looked at her naked body... It took a while, but I finally made her feel comfortable about it and I'm always reassuring her with compliments like she wouldn't be her without it, it makes her unique, she's the most beautiful woman in the world, etc...

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