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What date do you go by?

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What is the date the you go by when counting how long you have been with your partner?


I ask because my BF and I were talking about how long we had been together and he asked me "What date do you count from, when we met, when we became exclusive,?"


So how do you count it? What date do you go by?

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LOL, my boyfriend and I have this joke that we kind of have three "anniversaries." We were friends for five years before we dated, so we figure we can count from the first time we kissed before we started dating (November 30), the first time we actually said "I love you" and started really talking about dating (December 21) or our first real, actual date (January 4), which is the one I go with.


So basically, you two can pick whichever date has the most meaning to you and call that your anniversary. Doesn't matter which one, as long as you celebrate the same date! I would say when the two of you became exclusive would be a good benchmark, though.

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We go from the date we met (as we remember it well!) as we were basically head over heels from that day, and like Scout said above, inseperable!


However in the past, there were relationships where we approximated things as we could not figure out what day to really count from, so we just picked a day that worked for us.

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Guys don't care... Sorry. I'm doing good to remember last week.


Some guys don't care. Some do.


Last year, around this time, my husband asked me if we were planning anything special for July 3. I thought about it for a minute and asked him if he didn't mean July 4. He said no, he meant July 3. I asked him why would we make any plans for July 3. He was obviously upset by that answer....and rightly so.


July 3 is our wedding anniversary.

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Soem guys do care it was my BF that asked this question. I was just wondering how most people count it. We actually got out a calendar and counted back to figure out what day it was that we met on.


See we actually met at a bar one night. We were both out with friends and ended up sitting at the same table talking. Hit it off pretty good that night and made plans to go out the next night. My BF at the time was dating another woman very casully she was dating other people and so was he. By tht time we knew each other 3 weeks we were exclusive. So that posed the question what date would we consider as our anniversary. I think we are going with the night we met since it wasn't all that long afterward that we became exclusive.

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I count from the day of our first date. I knew my ex-boyfriend for 3 1/2 months before our first date and that is the date he counted from. He actually asked me out 6 weeks before our first date but with holidays and crazy work schedules it took us forever to get together even though we talked daily.

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Well like I dated my brothers best friend who I've known for 13-14 years. SO I can't really go by the day we met with him. So I go by the day we first went on a date.


But then say there is a guy I start hanging out with, who I know likes me and I like him.. I start on that first day we met/hung out (weather it's a date or not). I dunno...I'll shut up ahha

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