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Once a cheater always a cheater?

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everyone is different..

and everyone makes mistakes but i dont think "once a cheater always a cheater"

i believe that their are people out their who are truly sorry and know that their mistake was wrong..

but their some people who are just complete liers.

its just trusting what you feel.. i guess

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Yes Billy, I do agree on that one, sex is just mess up. At least to me that would be both unforgivable and unforgotten. i don't think I would even consider him as friend, not even close to it. If it just involve kissing/making out, well that's what some people tend to get over the most. That still would be dealbreaker, but if hypothethically someone were to ever ask which I would actually forgive, I would say the lesser one not involving sex.

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Cheating once does not necessarily mean someone will cheat again. But it does show they have a propensity to do it and it says something about their value system is awry.


When it comes to how a human being will act in any given circumstance, past behaviour is always the best predicter of future behaviour.

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People can change -- IF they want to, IF they are inwardly motivated, and IF they do the work necessary to change.


That having been said, I personally wouldn't stick around to see if a cheater changed his/her ways. Cheating's a deal breaker for me. Cheat once, if I find out, I'm gone. (That's exactly how it went down with the one ex I did catch cheating on me.)

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No I think your wrong

with once a cheater always a cheater, I have been in the past but when I met my wife I made a promis her, god and all my family that I would be solely hers adn our childrens. Thats changes every thing, Also I found out the hard way why cheaters never win. I will not forget that ever.


So you can lose your spots, in fact ou have to if a marrage means any thing at all, and what kind of dad would hurt his kids fooling around.


But if some one cheats on me or I on them now I would expected them gone asap. You cheat you lose

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And in my case it was only a week, had to dump him when I found out bad information. Unfortunately the bad news is I went straight to "No Contact" process after calling and callinga nd no one answeringt he phone. I did officially dump him, but two days before I had french kissed another guy. So just cuz he wans't available a week before that happen and I didn't leave a message, it would be techinically cheating. Oh well, it was my first so I was confuse as heck, I thought doing NC would get him the idea it was over, but he would keep calling. Next time I not gonna jump too fast into NC and kiss someone else, instead I'll first do the dumping.


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I think that anyone can make one mistake. The key, to me, is what happens after that first mistake is made: does the person realise it's a mistake and avoid making the same mistake in the future, or does the person kind of like the situation, not view it as a mistake and so forth. In the latter case, I think the likelihood of the person cheating again is substantial. It has to do with the attitude toward the behavior.

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I'm a chronic cheater and i have no plans on stopping...also once a junkie always a junkie...once a Jet fan always a Jet fan...once a cliche' always a cliche'...


Why?? Are you feeling somehow left out??


Back to the original poster: Nope, it's not always true. Some people actually can change for the better.

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Depends on the person. Some probly just always want something new and exciting. Others probably are just so torn between someone bad, and wanting something good.


I think some will never do it again if they find the one person that makes them happy. Then others will cause like I said, they need something new all the time.

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I want (have) to believe that. Up until 2 years ago, I didn't. But my boyfriend has shown me that sometimes people just make mistakes, it could have been a time in their life they are not proud of. He spends every day making sure I know that he was sorry for what he did, every day. A leopard can change.

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