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How far have I gone...? What is this??

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Apologies if I sound premature - I'm very inexperienced!


Ok I've just started going with this guy a week ago. The other day we were in the park, and I was laying down on the grass and he was ontop of me and we were just french kissing for ages, gave me a couple of hickies, and then said "lets make this more comfertable" and suggested i open my legs and then after a while while we were kissing he started breathing heavily and starting MOVING, like the movement of sex. I could feel his erection and it was as though he was trying to get it inside me, by the way he was moving (-although we were both wearing jeans, fully clothed).


This lasted about 10 mins until I just made him get up because a) I didn't want it to last so long that it gets boring, and b) I certainly didn't want it to go further yet!! (I'm a virgin). I'm not planning to for a long time too, I've told him about taking it slowly and he said he's okay with it.


But, so what we actually did, what is this called? How far have I gone?


Guidance would be appreciated, thanks!

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That's called dry humping and you didn't actually do anything except grind each other. Same thing as grind dancing with a guy but you were laying down. If you are a virgin, and want to remain one, smart move stopping it there cause that's usually a precursor to something further down the physical road. If all you did was french kiss (I'm going back to early days here to try and remember) and he didn't rub you anywhere, then you got to first base. Since you sound real young, I will not describe what the other bases are but if you're smart enough to find this site, then you're smart enough to look it up on the net.

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Well, don't worry, it's not sexual intercourse until he actually goes inside you. So you can still call yourself a virgin. I'm not sure of the actual name of what you did is.. I'm sure someone else can help you with that one.


It's great that he didn't respond badly to you wanting to stop. That just shows that he cares about your feelings. And the fact that you told him where you stood with sex just shows that you are thinking about what you want.


If a guy really likes you, he will wait as long as you want to before sex. A lot of times girls are worried that if they don't do it, the guy will leave them. But wouldn't it be better to lose a guy like that than to give into something you aren't ready for?


It's ok to kiss and stuff, but as you found out, it can easily lead to more. So just keep communicating with him about how you are feeling and definitely don't do anything you aren't ready for.

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Yep dry sex......how far have you gone? well the difference between dry sex & sex is the penetration. So your getting further.

That's awesome that you don't want to lose your virginity, a wise choice. What might be a good choice for you is to figure out how far is too far & try not to cross that line. He was obviously aroused & it may get harder to refrain yourselves.

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Yep, you were dry humping. It would be too hard for him to penetrate you with clothes on.


Smart move with telling him to stop when he started grinding against you if you wanted things to end there. He was obviously turned on. Men get turned on more quickly than women. They are more like microwaves, whereas women are more like ovens.

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