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This is mainly for girls but I guess if your a guy you can change it and put yourself in this position about your girl~


How late is too late for your guy to be getting text

messages and phone calls from other...Girl-friends?


My boyfriend is always getting text messages and phone calls late into the night sometimes 3-4 in the morning...from "Just friends" we are constantly fighting about this...am I overreacting ? I'm just curious to see when you guys thing is TOO Late to be getting those messages


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My boyfriend is always getting text messages and phone calls late into the night sometimes 3-4 in the morning...from "Just friends" we are constantly fighting about this...am I overreacting ? I'm just curious to see when you guys thing is TOO Late to be getting those messages



Unless you're on some sort of weird work schedule that keeps you up and coherent at 3 or 4 in the morning, calling anyone at that time of day is incredibly inconsiderate. I don't care who they are.


If my phone rings at 3 or 4am, somebody better be dying.


Perhaps if you approached it more from the standpoint of the time of the calls rather than who was calling, he might be more willing to tell his friends to be more considerate. That still leaves you with the issue of are they really just friends...but if you can get a few nights' undisturbed sleep, you may be able to start looking at that part of it more clearly.

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Shes2smart, I totally agree with you...And I have told him that is fine that he has girl friends but it makes me very suspicious that they call so late. I told him it wouldn't bother me as much if he could at least get them to do it during the day or early evening...not some late night booty call type thing. I have tried to be civil and yes i"ve even been mean about it but he still doesn't get the hint that it makes me untrustful towards him because he always hides who it is from and deletes the message after he gets it

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its a possibility that they could just be very rude, inconsiderate people. how does he react when you complain about this? i think that maybe you should tlel him to suggest to his friends maybe not calling, or texting so late. if he wont do that, then maybe theres more to the story than what hes telling you.

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i wouldnt get too worried about it if he says its his friends, you have to believe what he says..

i would probably get upset too if my b/f would be recieving calls late at night but then again my friends call me and stuff in the middle of the night, drunk calls or not they still call me if their awake.. acually sumone called me at 1am last nite and it was nothing..

im sure if it was something serious going on there would be more signs..

maybe you should approach him another way about it so he doesnt get defensive..

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