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craving sex, is it normal?!

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Ever since breaking up with my boyfriend i've been craving sex! He was my first long term relationship, we used to see each other three days a week, two nights. We used to have sex(or sexual activities) 1-3 times on average. I don't know if this is a lot or not! we were together 2 and a half years. Anyway the thing is I'm so over him, yet I have been having sexy dreams involving turning up on his doorstep having sex with him and then leaving him, dazed and confused!

I signed up on a couple of sites just wanting friends, but when i get dirty men sending me kinky messages, it's SO temping, lol. I don't like to masturbate either, that activity has never been my thing. Sometimes when I'm out and I see a cute guy, i can't help but think sexy thoughts, more than usual, lol.

Is craving sex normal? I didn't crave it before my ex-boyfriend.

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Yeah it's normal. Doesn't matter just because your a female.


It's a natural urge, we are very animalistic by our nature. Why do you think men stare at pictures of naked woman, because it turns them on like crazy. Some woman love the feeling so much that I'm sure they crave it too.

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It's perfectly normal. Don't worry, I can tell you that it will decrease after a while. I had the same when I started to get over my ex, but when I was single for a longer time, I didn't think of sex at all. I'd be cautious with guys you meet from the internet, but there is nothing wrong with starting to date casually and keep things light with a new cutie!



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its completely natural to be like that. I have an incredible sex drive, but when you say you dont masturbate its not your thing, have you tried it?


when I was single I invested in a rampant rabbit like Samantha had on Sex in the City.


Its safer than possibly responding to kinky emails off men on the internet.


please be careful.

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its completely natural to be like that. I have an incredible sex drive, but when you say you dont masturbate its not your thing, have you tried it?


when I was single I invested in a rampant rabbit like Samantha had on Sex in the City.


Its safer than possibly responding to kinky emails off men on the internet.


please be careful.


Vib is safer than flings, but beware that it may cause nerve damage leading to problems once you want to enjoy a man again.

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Vib is safer than flings, but beware that it may cause nerve damage leading to problems once you want to enjoy a man again.


Only in rare cases.


I used a vibrator for two years, pretty much every day! and I have been with my boyfriend now for 7 months and sometimes he says it takes me ages but sometimes it takes no time at all for me to orgasm, our sex life is very healthy.

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Ever since breaking up with my boyfriend i've been craving sex!


It's likely because of the strong connection you had. I was plagued, if you want to call it that, by the same intensity after my last relationship fell apart. It reaches "normal" levels after some time..

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believe me i havent had sex in 6months and its driving me nuts!!!!!

gezzz believe me i know how u feel.. its normal b/c your use to getting some lol and now your not!!

and for me thinking about it and masterbating makes it worse b.c its not the same.

so hang in there

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