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Unfulfilled Love

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The soft breeze that caresses my face

The warm sun that embraces me softly

Reminders of what I had to accept...our cruel fate

Not having you here, loiving you still, kills me gently


The cotton like clouds I lived upon

Have now faded into the distance

I know confess I have loved you all along

With you my life changed in an instant


Although it kills me inside to know we can't be

It's a sweet pain I enjoy

It can't be you, the problem lies within me

After all I'm just a girl, you are but a boy


Your love was but a rose

So beautiful ad enchanting

But as always there was a thorn to impose

That thorn was distance, always so commanding


We never got to make this right

Maybe it was me, I was weak and lost

But in all of that you were my light

Even if you love me, I have to pay the cost


So our love remains unfulfilled

The story never had an ending

We left each other against our will

Now these broken hearts need mending

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that was amazing. gripping and encapturing. i really liked it. i have nothing against age and dont tend to make judgements, but i was just amazed by everything that youve captured in your poem (gainst the typical 13 year old - harsh comment i know but in a weird way a compliment) its amazing, beautiful. the harsh truth. i like it neva x

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Oh MG i loved that! That was such a gorgeous poem and your emotions were really felt... I kinda felt that way once but my poem was alot different to the one i wrote... It was great to see those emotions put in a different sense! Keep writing darlin all your work is so amazing and you can really feel every word you put into it!


Love always and forever bubz


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I can't imagine it either and rereading it, it sounds like I'm older I used depth in my poem more than ever before. I'm sorry you passed through this it's not a good feeling. I'm amazed by all the compliments I never think by poetry is that good but I love hearing your opinions on it good or bad.

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