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What's happening me??

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I've been having this problem for the last few months and I'm wondering if anyone is afflicted by what I'm talking about. It has only happened a handful of times. But it happened again a while ago and now I'm getting worried.


I get this feeling all of a sudden of dissonance. As if there are two of me and they're slightly out of phase. I feel like I can't do anything that will change this feeling, no change in sitting position or what I'm doing can alter this feeling. But it goes away after about twenty minutes.


It's a very unpleasant feeling, mostly because it is beyond my own control, I can't do anything to feel different but wait for it to stop.


It seems entirely random and unprovoked. It has happened while having dinner with my family and reading the paper on break at work. Entirely separate events. The only commonality I can find is that I was sitting down at all of these times.


I've tried googling it but come up with zilch. I don't know what to call it. My best stab is dissonance, because it reminds me of those rhythmical beats that are produced when two musical notes are played that sound bad together. I have it now, but it feels like it would have gone away if I wasn't focusing on it so much by writing about it.



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I will relate my own experience to you which may or may not be of comfort:


I was permanently "depersonalized" (by that I mean I felt it at least 80% of the time, every day) for around a year, solidly, when I was about 15.


Being that young and not educated about mental illness, I was terrified and thought I had some fatal brain disease. It does feel terrifying. It feels like you are a kind of zombie, and that you may as well be dead, such is the level of numbness you feel towards life in general.


A psyh. is your best bet, as most DP is thought to be due to anxiety, and looking back, mine probably was. This means you can probably help yourself - so go to your doctor.

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