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The art of arrogance.

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I have been through alot of pain and heartbreak in the last year. My ex took away all my self-confidence. I felt worthless. Like a nobody with nothing going for them. I didn't think any girl would ever want to be with me again.


Well i started to get over that and feel better about myself. I started working out and all of a sudden i have massive amounts of women telling me how attractive i am. I started tutoring college students which reminded me of how smart i really am. A few other things happened to remind me that i am really a great person.


So in the last few weeks i have become arrogant and full of myself. I really started being like this just as a joke. I thought enough with the self loathing - i am going to go all the way to the other extreme and see how it works out for myself. In part i still feel weak deep on the inside so i am covering it up with massive amounts of pride, but i think i am becoming the act i put on.


Dont get me wrong - i'm not acting like this towards my close friends and family - just to my ex and the new people i have been meeting.


I feel like i am very good at being arrogant. Here are some examples of what i mean- Today i was with my ex for a little while. I told her about a trip i took with some girls and she asks if they hit on me at all. my reply was "Why would you even care, and furthermore, a better question to ask me would be which girl didn't hit on you" Or when she was dropping me off at home i said "I'm sorry" She asked why and i said "Because the rest of your night is going to be boring and mediocre without me around."


There are plenty more examples.


Arrogance is generally talked about as a very negative personality trait. But i have this feeling that if you really have the looks and inteligence to back up your arrogance, alot of ladies secretly find this extremely attractive and desirable. Well i guess i'm going to find out.

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Have you envied arrongant guys in the past?

I have, but whenever I get the big head, something bites my bony butt and humbles me. Just wondered.


Karma gets me too.


So I keep balanced.


My time line


head grows



















it's repeatting

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In my opinion, those who are arrogant are always compensating for some self-perceived shortcoming. Arrogance in its most extreme manifestations, always takes root in some sort of deep seated inferiority complex. As for my advice, your arrogance might attract some attention with the ladies, but at a cost, for it too will surely repel any worthy suitors.

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Despite what some says it always seems the arrogant ones (as in too confident) get more play than the rest of us. So if you can fake it OP then go for it man!!! More freaking power to ya!!!


I think its self fullfilling prophecy truthfully.

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When i wrote arrogance what i meant was extreme self confidence. Having the general attitude that women should feel lucky to get a chance with me, and not the other way around.


And yes in a way i am compensating for the pathetic mess i was for the last several months. I really was a very confident person before that and i am just trying to get it back.


I am seeing this whole thing as somewhat of a social experiement. I dont plan on becoming some self-absorbed * * * *head for the rest of my life. Im just seeing how people react too it. I am just trying to get control of myself back.


I have two dates this week with women i have met on myspace. Both of the conversations started off with me being very aggorant. The one girl i actually initiated conversation by sending her a message saying "I know you want me, but it's ok, who could blame you." She replied back and we started talking on a more friendly level and now she wants to come over this week.


So we will see what happens. I'm not even really looking for a gf right now.

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having experienced my fair share of destructive relationships and emotionally draining break-ups, I have realized that if I get involved with someone else too soon, I have a tendency to be overly cautious and reactionary in regards to judging that person as well as the relationship that may or may not ensue, Long story short, I've learned to take "time off" immediately following a break-up, in order to introspect, reflect, and heal when necessary in order to grow and hopefully avoid repeating the mistakes of the past by recognising and differentiating the a..holes in disguise from the good guys who might be shy. It's all about perspective, anyway good luck in your pursuits,

over and out

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yea that is what i am trying to do right now. Ive been single for a little over 3 months now. It is not so bad now that i got used to it. No way am i ready to give my heart up to anyone else for a long while to come.


I am just starting to hook-up with girls again. I met an old friend at a party last night. we made out for a good part of the night but i told her i didn't want to go any farther then that. Im trying to take things slow and meaningless sex with an old friend doesnt really seem like it would be a good idea right now. Maybe she will be my gf one day, who knows.

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