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How to stop getng drunk

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Just wondering,

if you where to have a BIG night out with the guys/girls and you knw that it is going to be a BIG on alcohol consumption wise. What tips can you give me on not getting totally smashed.

Other then, "dont drink so much", are there other things that can be done like eating certains foods etc??

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Moderation is the key.


Try drinking your drinks at 1/2 to 1/3 your normal speed. You'll consume 2-3 times fewer drinks that way.


You can try drinking 2 full glasses of water for each alcoholic drink you take. The more full you feel, the less you'll wanna drink.


You can eat food before you drink, but just be aware that your body will metabolize alcohol first, and leave your food to sit around.

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if you are planning to go to big party where you know you'll drink a lot.


* never drink alcohol with an empty stomach or hungry.

* enough sleep..make sure you're not tired

* drink water in between alcohols.

* taking a break after a glass of drink. you can chat with friends...etc.

* enough is enough don't let other pressure you into drinking more.

* don't show off or do it just to impress someone when you can have more.

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why does the body metabolize alcohol first and not drink?


Alcohol is a poison to the human body.


The body will get rid of it first to protect itself. Thus the liver works on alcohol, leaving the food to sit. If it cant get to the food fast enough, it converts it into fat and stores it on the liver to get to later.


Alcoholics who inundate their body with alcohol can get whats known as "fatty liver" because their livers are so busy getting rid of alcohol, they have very little time to metabolize fat.

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oh...i forgot.


* avoid drinking many different kinds of drinks ( ex. beer-thencocktails-tequila-beer). stick to one or two kinds of drinks wil do.


I have never ever been able to drink one drink over the duration of one night, I always mix loads of drinks... I know it is silly, but it doesn't have much of an effect on me.


I do make sure I have a full meal before I drink (like some seriously substantial like a steak etc) and three full glasses of milk too, it is my prevention of hangovers and it has never let me down hehe.

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I have never ever been able to drink one drink over the duration of one night, I always mix loads of drinks... I know it is silly, but it doesn't have much of an effect on me.


lucky you. but not all of us were born with the same good level of alcohol intake like you. that means you're good at drinking .


another one is maybe it depends of how much alcohols are put in the drinks.


i wish i could be as good as you are when it comes to alcohol.

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Well, I doubt that it would work that way, and I really don't understand why you would want to have a LARGE intake of alcohol and not deal with the consequence that you will get drunk? If you don't want to get wasted, why do you want to drink a lot of alchohol? Are you afraid people will make comments if you drink less than them? Because I am sure the next morning, they wish they didn't get wasted!


Please take into account that fatty food, yes, will help when drinking, but also is 'heavy' on the stomach and on the liver. Would you seriously consider eating butter before drinking? Both are not good for you in large portions. As another poster said, moderation is the key.



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lucky you. but not all of us were born with the same good level of alcohol intake like you. that means you're good at drinking .


another one is maybe it depends of how much alcohols are put in the drinks.


i wish i could be as good as you are when it comes to alcohol.


Haha I wish, it never goes to any good use... I drink about once a month at the moment, I'm too poor at the moment haha!

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Drink slowly...


If you start out with an alcoholic drink, wait a while and have something non-alcoholic in between (soda/water) and wait at least an hour until your body has metabolized the last liquor drink until you have another.


Set your limits in advance and tell your friends your plan and have them stop you if you go over it.

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Whenever I was trying to control myself, I'd alternate with club soda or ginger ale in a glass. Everyone assumed it was a GT or scotch n soda.

After a while I noticed other drunks were too bombed to care if I drank or not, so I'd just enjoy their idiocy.


If your concern is feeling about bad later, just drink slowly and less. You can't beat nature at this game. Food helps unless you're a real guzzler, but you really can't expect to swallow toxins and not have them meet your bloodstream.


BTW I never had a hangover until my late 20s, when I got hit with a whopper.

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Also, it can help to avoid drinks that you did not see being mixed, since for these you do not know how much alcohol was put in them, and you could end up consuming a lot more than you think you are. Mix your drinks yourself, drink something from a bottle, or watch as your drink is mixed.


Also avoid shots/chugging.

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i have heard that if you eat butter that it lines your stomach and thus the stomach doesnt digest the alcohol and it passes out through urine.

Can anyone confirm this?


That is definitely not true. Sounds like a good trick to get someone to down a stick of butter, though.

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i have heard that if you eat butter that it lines your stomach and thus the stomach doesnt digest the alcohol and it passes out through urine.

Can anyone confirm this?


No, it sloshes around in bile with the rest of your stomach content. A small percentage of the alcohol is passed into your blood stream, and the rest comes out in urine. Bread doesn't "soak up" alcohol either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this is true, but from what i've seen /expierenced it is.

The more you drink of one type of drink, the more immune you get to it. For example, if you have a little bit of say San Miguel every day for lunch or whatever, if you go out drinking, your body will be a bit immune to it, and thus you will not get as drunk. There have been times where me or mates drink a lot of one type of drink and after a while we can't get drunk any more so either stop drinking for a few days or change drink type, and sure enough we are able to get drunk quicker again.

As I said though, im not sure if this is just a state of mind thing or what, but I believe sticking to one type of drink that you normally have, and in small doses at a time should make you get drunk slower.

Have fun!

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