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Okay, I've totally took the plunge and joined okcupid.

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that one's on the back, nephew.


my okcupid persona is "Medals4Sin". i wanted {Censored by Moderator} but it was already taken.


drop me a line but don't send me a flirt... you're too manly for my liking.


(actually, pet was gracious enough to point out that i needed to update my profile there to exclude dating altogether. now i just go there for the crazy tests.)

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Answer the "improve matches" questions, they figure the matches for you.

Browse the matches then look at and compare "tests", you need to take some.




Before you even say anything about percentages, my best match is only 73%


I use the same name on OKCupid, mine scares a lot of women away lol.

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Wow man, didn't know!


Woot, I found my fellows!



Am I the only one that does not want sex partners?


heh, Good luck ross


Ross, do not I repeat do not talk bad about yourself.


You do not want pity sex, it won't help you.


My profile tends to attract quite a few women.

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I think you should use the pic you have on this site as your main photo on the other one. You look older in the one on here where the one on the dating site looks like a 15 yr old boy. Just a suggestion.


Hmmm, what I don't get is that when I said to a young 22 year old female on here that she looks 1 or 2 years older, everyone jumped on me saying I was being horrible (which I didn't mean to be)


Yet when someone says I look like a 15 year old boy when I'm 30, which to me is way more insulting, no one has said a word.


Anyway, thanks for the confidence boost xprincessbug. (Sarcasm)


I haven't used this picture because it looks a little dodgy when it's bigger, and anyway, I think maybe I do look more like the age I look in my photo which is up there now.

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Hmmm, what I don't get is that when I said to a young 22 year old female on here that she looks 1 or 2 years older, everyone jumped on me saying I was being horrible (which I didn't mean to be)


Rule #1

NEVER say a woman looks older than she actually is or you will be dead meat instantly and kicked to the curb.


Everyone wants to look and feel younger and unfortunately most can't do it and that's why millions every week are spent on "beauty products".


Some people are good at guessing ages, others are not.



Politics, religion and age are 3 topics you stay away from unless you're really good at them.

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So, how often do people usually get someone of the opposite sex showing an interest in them on there? And is there a good chance they're only interested in being okcupid buddies, since on a lot of profiles I see people of the same sex as them on their connections like they're just buddies.

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As in real life, you need to BE VISABLE to get noticed.


A profile is just a start, there is no guarantee of anything. adding keywords gets you in the mainscreen of every girl if they are looking for it. I have 6500 views on match, 1000+ contacted me, I only chose to actually meet/date around 10 who "I" was interested in since the IQ has to be up there for me. I'm not a typical guy though, most guys would have contacted 30-50% of them.



On okcupid just add an interest word daily like this [[music]], delete and add will also do it.


Any edit you make to the profile gets noticed also


Being logged in (keep a separate browser window just for that) shows you as "online" if they are looking in that screen.

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How honest should I be about my inexperience (not just sex, but relationships, dating...)?


maybe this?

"I'm no expert w/ relationships so I would like to meet someone who is willing to take it slow and we can develop a great relationship together" (women like guys who make themselves vunerable when they admit faults)


Come on people, what would you want to see in his profile?

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Man, I really can't think of what to put in my adjectives.


Oh, in my profile, I tried to descride myself, I put that I'm shy, caring, but I'm also adventureous in the bedroom.


Does the last bit sound too crude? I felt like I had to throw it in there otherwise, if I just said I'm shy and caring and stuff without it, it makes me sound as though I'm a boring nice guy and like I'm not that interested in sex.

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Thanks MacGyver - I can list a few things I would like to see if I were a perspective looker...


I would like to see where he's from - Manchester

What he likes to do / hobbies - Love watching the ponies

what kind of music he's into - Chris Daughtry Rocks

what kind of movies he likes/ - H O U S E

books/Tv Shows


these are all things other people can quickly identify as things they'll have in common or not.


Ross - you shouldn't need to talk about your experience, or lack there of, until the subject comes up OR you're in the position where an, "I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing" confession is necessary.


I certainly wouldn't put anything like that on your profile.

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music and movies are common ground, list everything that you actually like, not what you think they want to see or hear. Honesty is important and don't be bland about your tastes. Look at my profile, my tastes are very varied.

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As far as any sex goes, being honest is best when you actually get to that part or she will think she is a turnoff.

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Ross just a suggestion...do you actually want a relationship or just to get laid?


I wouldn't respond to your profile because you list 'sex partners.' I get the impression you only want sex. Of course there are women who are also like that but don't expect to have any relationship minded women answer.


Also I'd take out the "adventurous in the bedroom" thing personally.


Try to attract a woman with who you are and the person you are. That's what I think anyway...everyone else may have a different opinion.

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I wouldn't respond to your profile because you list 'sex partners.' I get the impression you only want sex.


Why would it make you think that though? I also have listed 'dating' and 'long term dating'


Ross just a suggestion...do you actually want a relationship or just to get laid?


I want either.


Okay, my profile's changed a bit now, I suppose it's better to just be honest about what I want. Hopefully at least one woman will be interested.

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Edit: Nm found it


SEx partners makes you look like a pervert.


Honestly there are some girls that do that * * * *, but don't list it.


Which kind of irks me.


If you want a relationship, you don't want sex partners


IT makes them automatically think you just want sex.


Which I don't think you do.


Or do you?

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