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My girlfriend says we don't need to use condoms because she is on the Birth Control Pill. And she said she does not need to use a condom if we are only having sex once a month. After she has her period. So her egg can be secure. Should I use a condom to provent my chances in getting her pregnant. We both took a AIDS/HIV test and we are clear. So whats your input?

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Like how she explained to me. After a girl has her period and she is on birth control her egg is secure. She said taking birth control works 99.7% if your only have sex once a month. But if you have sex more then once in a single month your chances go down every time you have sex. Is that true anyone?

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If you are clear of STDs *AND* she uses her pills properly..


Then you only have a 1% chance of pregnancy, so condoms..nope, you don't need them realistically. I'm on the pill and myself and boyfriend don't use condoms. We are also STD free.


Sure, you are always going to hear of "Pill Babies", but theres always a risk with sex anyway. Just make sure the pills are used properly.

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If you are clear of STDs *AND* she uses her pills properly..


Then you only have a 1% chance of pregnancy, so condoms..nope, you don't need them realistically. I'm on the pill and myself and boyfriend don't use condoms. We are also STD free.


Sure, you are always going to hear of "Pill Babies", but theres always a risk with sex anyway. Just make sure the pills are used properly.

That was a big realif.

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