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Can Pre-cum make a girl pregnant?

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Pre-cum has a higher concentration of sperm in it than ejactulated cum.


Really??? It comes from an entirely different place (Cowpers Gland) who's purpose it to flush the acidity from the penis to give the sperm a better chance of surviving. I was under the impression that any sperm in pre-cum was there somewhat coincidentally. There's nothing stopping it from being introduced into the pre-cum, but primarily the sperm are in the main ejaculate. Issue is (and perhaps this explains some unplanned pregnancy) that sperm can live several hours, and generally when excited there can be pre-cum before the clothing even gets removed so any touch at all from her to him could potentially contain sperm. I wouldn't count on it but I was under the impressions the sperm count in pre-cum was actually very low. If not, it means foreplay becomes risky without a condom too.

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From what I understand, pre-cum contains sperm from a previous ejaculation, but sperm can still be in there. I'm not entirely clear on how but I've always gone with the assumption it's just the same as regular cum just to be safe.


If you're concerned you or someone else is pregnant, relax and wait and see... I believe it's less likely because without it being propelled and everything else "coming down" it can be harder for sperm to travel, but still likely.

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Pre-cum can indeed contain sperm. It is more likely if you have recently ejaculated beforehand, but it is not necessary as sometimes a small amount of sperm can be present in time for the pre-cum to wash 'em out.


I do know of a couple children whom are in this world due to people thinking pre-cum can't get you pregnant...

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Pre-cum definitely contains sperm and can result in a pregnancy.


I too, have seen this happen all too often. I grew up in a Catholic family and the "withdrawal method" where the man removes his penis before he ejaculates is really the only "accepted" form of birth control in the Catholic church other than "natural family planning" methods (which are also risky).


Needles to say- the withdrawal method is very limited because pre-cum containing sperm can still cause a pregancy. The familes I used to go to church with as a kid had many, many children.


All it takes is one, tiny microscopic sperm to make it to the egg- if there is even one active sperm in a man's pre-ejaculate- it's one too many. It's not worth the risk.




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How do people do the withdrawal method without getting pregnant then?


They get lucky most of the time.


Doesn't the penis produce a Lubricant just like the vagina. Like when a girl gets wet is a body water Lubricant. Doesn't the penis do that to?


The primary purpose is to flush any acidic traces out of the urinary tract to give the sperm the best chance of making it. Apparently the acidity of urine kills sperm. But yes, it's quite slippery too. In fact, it's not all that similar to semen at all for the most part.

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How do people do the withdrawal method without getting pregnant then?


That's exactly why the withdrawal method is not very effective and is not really "birth control".


People won't get pregnant EVERY time even if one ejaculates, because the body does not work that way. People CAN also get pregnant while using birth control. So no, you won't get pregnant anytime you use withdrawal, but the risk is very high.


With typical use, it has a 20-27% failure rate.


With perfect use - which has you combining it with rythym method, which means charting your cycles, taking temperature daily, checking cervical mucous and abstaining during riskier times, it may get down to 5%. Most people don't do "perfect use" - especially when younger and cycles are still irregular, as it takes time to establish your cycles properly and is more used among established couples for whom pregnancy would not be a "bad thing" necessarily.

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I can say that I got extremely lucky with my ex. I see that there are different opinions on this matter and someone should cut and paste the answer. Maybe that will be me. lol I remember reading that precum contains the majority of semen that gets women pregnant. I don't know the proper wording, but I did read it and it freaked me out. Weather it is pre cum or somthing else, right before a man ejaculates he released sperm that is very effective. I will google it. lol

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Ok, I did a little research and am finding there are different opinions. I guess the internet is not always the best source of info. I am guessing I was wrong about what I said, but I did read it a while back. Here is what I got: Sperm could be in pre-cum, but only after a recent ejaculation, after which some sperm may be left hanging around in the urethra. "Recent" means masturbating earlier and then having sex with a woman, or during the same sexual episode of the recent ejaculation. Urinating in between ejaculations flushes the urethra of stray sperm and makes the way clear for the sperm-less pre-ejaculate fluid. If sperm remains after a prior ejaculation, then it's possible that they can enter the vagina and make their way to meet an egg.

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I bet one can still find a case of a man who didn't ejaculate recently, urinated several times before having sex, and still somehow managed to have one tiny sperm survive and get to the egg. Sex was designed by nature to result in offspring. The body is amazing at adapting and surviving to promote that goal.


Every summary you see on the effectiveness of birth control, or sperm content in pre-cum, etc. is usually based on some clinical research trail- and even then the result of the research are based on what happened with those individual subjects that were tested in the study. We can generalize to the bigger population from research findings- however no 2 men will have exactly the same body chemistry, or the exact same sperm.


If I were serious about preventing a pregnancy- I would not risk it no matter what- I'd be fixated on the chance of that one sperm hanging around, surviving, and getting through.



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Isn't it strange how couples try for years to have a baby and one little bit of precum gets the unwanting pregnant. You have to wonder?

Individual differences in body chemistry, medical conditions, chance, good/bad luck.


My brother-in-law is on his 6th child at age 32 (3 different moms- but that's a whole other story ) 3 of those kids were from birth control gone wrong (pills, condoms). I wouldn't be surprised if there was a pre-ejaculate child in the mix too.


I joke with him that I don't even want him to stand near me and my husband because we're not ready for kids yet and we don't want his hyper-fertility rubbing off on us.



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