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Are men usually quiet during sex?

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I recently had sex with a guy and we both seemed to be having a whale of a time and it lasted for about 2.5 hours!


The only thing is, I was very loud in bed, but he was very quiet.


Why do you think this is? Do you think he was just concentrating?

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Myself and my gf are relatively quiet lovers until just before the 'moment'. I become quite vocal just before I climax and she gets noisy just before hers. Other than that, it's lots of quiet eyecontact and the odd moan. Different strokes for different folks mate.

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I've only had sex with 2 guys so far, my exbf and my actual bf.


I was with my exbf for like 5 years so I kinda was used to his way of having sex, so when I started to have sex with my actual bf it felt different because he was so much more quiet than my exbf... but he'd occasionally say or ask things, it felt kinda awkward at the beggining but it was okay after a bit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I masturbated for about 10 years consistently before having consistent sex. I needed to be quiet during that time. I also rarely vocalize (in sports or martial arts etc). I find it hard to be loud.


In bed I am a bit more vocal than many men, but still extremely quiet compared to my girl. She will scream at the top of her lungs without reservation. If I tried, I couldn't heard over the moaning and screaming. It doesn't indicate anything about a man's level of arousal based on his vocalization during sex.

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Dane cook does a funny joke about this... He makes a refrence how we say stupid stuff in bed during sex... It's like our IQ drops or something and we cant make complete sentences. Just broken words that are like.... What?


I dont make a lot of noise because I'm concentrating haha.

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