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Well, my boyfriend goes to a completely different school than I do. The sad part is, there is a girl there whos grabbing him...down below, front and back. Its happened once before but him and I werent together and really I couldent do anything about it. Now, its happened again, and hes not doing anything about it. It hurts my feelings soooo bad and everytime I tell him how upset it makes me, all he does is get mad at me and yell at me, and I feel as if I am the bad guy. What are somethings I should do? My last resort is leaving him but if its the best, I guess I will...

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Whoa whoa whoa! Some girl is grabbing his jewels in public completely disregarding that he has a girlfriend and your boyfriend is actually supporting this behavior? NO! I think you should talk to him and tell him straight up that you will not tolerate this and be firm in that if he doesn't stop it then you will stop the relationship. Don't get upset if he decides to go ahead and break-up though. Just say, "Fine, if that's what you want" and walk away. Don't let him see you cry! You deserve to have your relationship respected by other people and especially by your boyfriend. If he actually has the balls to yell at you for not liking some other chick grabbing on him than you need to find someone more deserving of your devotion.

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Whoa whoa whoa! Some girl is grabbing his jewels in public completely disregarding that he has a girlfriend and your boyfriend is actually supporting this behavior? NO! I think you should talk to him and tell him straight up that you will not tolerate this and be firm in that if he doesn't stop it then you will stop the relationship. Don't get upset if he decides to go ahead and break-up though. Just say, "Fine, if that's what you want" and walk away. Don't let him see you cry! You deserve to have your relationship respected by other people and especially by your boyfriend. If he actually has the balls to yell at you for not liking some other chick grabbing on him than you need to find someone more deserving of your devotion.


'nuff said!

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It's very wrong.... particularly because of the fact that he MUST be inviting her to do so. I don't mean telling her to, or asking her to, but he obviously shows no real problem with it right to this girl's face and is probably more likely to be doing some touching in return.


I would try to talk to him about it, but be ready to walk. That's really going far, and is way past just flirting. You're basically being shown by this that he is more than likely to be the cheating type. I associate that with cheating, but that's also your call. If he sees nothing wrong with that or is trying to turn it all around like you have no right to say anything... there's almost nothing you can do other than talk to him. Even then, with him at another school, you won't ever really know if it has stopped.

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I don't mean to take sides but it is possible that your boyfriend is being sexually harassed and is too embarrassed to do anything about it. My brother was a victim of this once at a place where he worked. He didn't really do anything either and was very defensive about it. He didn't want it to happen but he was afraid to say anything and so he ended up quitting. I don't know if this is what is happeneing to your boyfriend or not but it might be worth finding out for sure.

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I know, and its like he says he dosent want to deal with her because he is to emotionally stressed and stuff. But then at the same time, he is really sticking up for her. Like he emailed her last night and was all "I know the is out of the blue but stop doing all that touchy feely stuff. Its making Michelle uncomfortable. I know you dont mean it but its making her upset." and I told him to e-mail her to stop, but thats not very convinceing to me.

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why email? don't your bf feel offended by it? I would if i were in his place.


1st time itself it warrants a warning and the second time.....i did go straight to the police.


Its making Michelle uncomfortable.


anybody would be frustrated with that kinda thing, as if he is happy the way he is gettin treated by this girl.

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