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All I seem to do is eat

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The title says it all doesn't it. Well, yeah, today, all I seem to have done is eat. I eat because i get bored and cooking/eating gives me something to do.


Well i'll tell you what i have eaten today


For breakfast i had 6 mini chocolate fingers, a chocolate biscuit and a cup of coffee.


For my sunday dinner i had turkey, boiled potatoes & veg (which i guess is good for me) then a fruit salad.


The problem started after this......about 4 o clock i had a cup of coffee with 5 mini chocolate fingers, a chocolate biscuit and 4 mini chocolate eggs (happy easter by the way!). I then had a bag of crisps and a glass of water. THEN i had 4 pieces of cheese on toast. Not 1, not 2 but 4!! And 3 glasses of water. That is sooooo bad.


The thing is, i know that i should not eat all of this crap as it is so unbelievably had for me and i will put lots of weight on. It's very unhealthy. But i still eat (even though i made a promise to my mum that i would eat healthily and try to lose a little bit of weight even though i'm not fat).


I know that i should keep myself busy so that i wont eat, or just have a glass of water but it's SOOO hard!!!


How does everyone else do it? It's getting me down cos i just eat and eat and eat and i hate it!!

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I have the same problem lol, I got my finals this week (and I'm here?!), I've been studying, and I'm soo bored I ate everything we have in the house! I'm glad we didn't have much chocolate in the house, so I ate some cashews lol, but yeah, try not buying that stuff in the first place, right now I'm craving for some good chocolate but I don't have any here, so I can't eat

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uggg... I am the same way!!! I have troubles with my weight as a result.


Ok, why don't you do some situps and exercises today, even if it's just for 15 minutes in your room.


If you want to snack mindlessly, better to snack on carrots and celery, and stuff like that. Don't bring the candy in your house, like legend said! it's easier to resist if it's not there...

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Hmm... I have those awful urges to eat junk food too!! When I feel like eating a bag of potato chips or raiding the candy drawer... I work out instead. If the weather's nice, I go out and ride my bike. Anything like that. After I work out, I don't feel like pigging out anymore because I know that will just reverse the work I've just done.


The golden rule I've heard is: If you are hungry, eat; if you are not, don't. So if you are hungry, by all means, eat a snack. But instead of junk food, slice up and apple and put peanut butter on it, or have some crackers and cheese. When you're done, ask yourself, Am I still hungry? Chances are you will be satisfied for a while.


I don't know if you drink a lot of water, but I hear it helps fill you up. Also eat foods rich in fiber, which also fill you up. For example: apples, bananas, oatmeal or whole wheat bread, bran cereal, or trailmix (with nuts and seeds).


I hope I helped at least somewhat!


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I had a mild eating disorder from age 15 to about 23 and so I completely understand obsessions/too much focus on food. I am now 39 and have been eating normally for most of the last 15 years (no relapses). Here is what worked for me. First, it's about lifestyle and habits that then become instinctive. To develop good eating habits, I made sure I didn't have the trigger foods around (for me, that's chocolate and secondly most sweet carbs or munchies) and I found other leisure activities that were just as enjoyable or more so than food - for me that is reading and exercising, sometimes both at once. I developed in general the habit of eating only when hungry and then eating the foods my body needed at the time for energy and well being - that means that often I will not eat sugary foods when I am really hungry because my body started to naturally crave specific foods that would nourish me - often protein, sometimes high fiber foods or fruit. That's the point - getting in tune with what your body needs as far as nutrition and balancing that with the cravings we all get. So that, if I crave chocolate but I know that will make me feel unwell because I am starving, I am usually able to choose what's right to eat without feeling deprived, and I have some chocolate for dessert. Another habit I developed was stopping my eating before I got too full. I learned to like the feeling of being satisfied but not overly full, even if it meant leaving over half of a portion or even two bites of a portion. I also cut down on diet sodas and coffee because I found that that triggered "the munchies" too often.


I definitely do some "emotional eating" and some overeating (but I never binge - when I dieted in my teens I binged fairly frequently) but those episodes are at a minimum. I do find when I travel I look to food for comfort if I am feeling disoriented so I know that those unhealthy habits are still in me, but that is few and far between.


Here are the benefits - I am slim with very little variation in my weight over the last 15 years, I don't obsess about or focus on food, I feel good - my skin looks good, my digestion is mostly very good and psychologically I feel good being good to me. I don't live with the disciplinarian in my head telling me what and when and how much to eat because I have developed these habits to a point where it is mostly instinctive.


Hope that was helpful!

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For breakfast i had 6 mini chocolate fingers, a chocolate biscuit and a cup of coffee.
you've already gotten some sound advice so i'll just say... i love the brits!! i've been all over the u.s. and have never once gotten any chocolate for breakfast (except on easter ), unless you count cocoa puffs cereal.
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