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Trust. Can it hurt or Help?

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If your significant other trusts you, and you know this, would you be less likely to cheat on them or betray them?


Or would this amount of trust make you so comfortable that you'd be more likely to cheat on them?


For example, you are going on an out of town trip without your sig for a few days. She/He trust you. Would you cheat thinking you'd never get caught or would her/his trust make you think twice?


This goes for those who have cheated and those who have not.


I want to know what keeps a man/women on their toes in a relationship.

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Wow, very interesting question. I'm curious to see what people will think of this one. I, personally, would NEVER cheat...no matter the circumstances, even if I was given a lot of freedom in a relationship. I am the type of person that doesn't cheat because I believe it's morally wrong. I could never do that to someone.

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I can say that if someone didn't trust me, i would be more likely to break that trust just to prove them right. If they didn't trust me, i would probably start doubting myself. more than likely, I would break up with them prior though.


As for trusting me, I have never been tempted to cheat before. I don't know why... maybe I am broken. I don't think I have been with a girl that didn't trust me either. So... hmm.. not a lot of experience here. I woudl like to think that if I was well and truly tempted that I would have the decency to see it as an issue with my current relationship and, instead, focus on that first.

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Trust is when you actually reveal the dark of you and light and letting the other person know. It doesn't necessarily mean to never do wrong. It just means that you each understand when the person made a mistake and your relationship is strong enough to overcome that anyway- if both are completely sincere. Trust is vulnerability in the spot light, but with someone who loves you, you are never afraid. Love cancels out fear and you must only see that person with love to trust them. What some of us forget is that forgiveness is a part of love and a part of trust. We can reach any soul and make them turn to see us over time, but if we put expectations on each other, we are blind to what is there... and that is to lose trust. Not truly in your actions. In your communication.

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In my opinion, if your bf/gf trusts you and you know it, its harder to do something like that to betray that trust. If that amount of trust makes you comfortable enough to cheat on them, then there is something seriously wrong with your situation, and you don't deserve them or their trust. On the other hand, if there is no trust there, constant jealousy and accusations of cheating-it may make it "easier" for them to cheat, or want to turn elsewhere.

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I can see an argument that says "if s/he doesn't trust me I may as well cheat because s/he's going to think I did anyway".


But, for me, it doesn't make any difference. It's my morals I have to be concerned about and what other people think, even a partner, is secondary. I would not cheat in either case because I just don't agree with cheating.

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I think a relationship is built on trust, honesty, friendship/parternship, and love. Without any of those things, a relationship will not last. And for your question...


If your significant other trusts you, and you know this, would you be less likely to cheat on them or betray them?


Honestly, people cheat for selfish reasons. They only care about themselves and do not care about the feelings of others. I personally think that trust is earned. It wouldn't matter if your partner trusted you. If you wanted to cheat, you would. Its simple as that. I personally have never cheated when i was in a relationship. When i was in a relationship with my ex-gf, she trusted me and i respected her trust. I wanted to be completely honest with her and i have told her i found other girls attractive because we are human, but that doesn't mean i want to be with them or want to do anything physical with them. I always but her first before anyone else.


Its just too bad that i can't trust her anymore. She didn't cheat on me physically, but emotionally...i believe she did.


Bottom line: NO, if someone gave me trust, i would want to keep that trust.

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Not sure if this answers the question, but these thought just came to mind while reading the questions....


I think it varies a lot with each person, but I think for some of those on the extreme end of the cheating tendency, they will specifically be attracted to the trusting types. There are a lot of cheaters who will ONLY have relationships with honest people who trust them. And then there are other types who tend to have relationships only with suspsicious partners. I think some find it satisfying to lie to an honest person. And others like the excitement of someone keeping them on their toes.


EDIT: forgot to add... Yeah, I don't cheat either... it doesn't interest me in the least.

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There is some quality in me that doesn't allow cheating to ever be an option.

I wouldn't cheat. Trust or not.


But my sense of loyalty and devotion to a person increases with the level of trust. Knowing that someone else is counting on me to hold to certain standards keeps me sharp and a better woman (I think). It serves as a spur to the values and qualities I cherish.


I feel better able to stand tall and strong in any situation with someone who has earned my trust. They would know where I was at.

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