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Pickup Lines

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Try to just talk about the surroundings to start any conversation. You don't have to have an opening monologue. Anything around you: the weather, the train being late, hating too-short weekends, those wacky Iraquis, anything innocent that doesn't come off like a "Is you is or is you ain't my babaay!"

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hah, here's some advice..


please don't use pick-up lines!!!!


and don't "sweet talk" girls either! it makes us feel like you've read on link removed how to pick up chicks and you're just using some stock tricks on us. yuck. a girl will know you dig her if you're paying her all your attention and she'll definitely notice if you click when you're just talking. otherwise, it seems repetitive and impersonal. pick-up lines just make me roll my eyes and walk away!

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But why try to impress a girl. Wait and find a girl who likes you for who you are, and not for who you are trying to be. It might take a while. But get out there, and don't just focus on one girl. Keep going from girl to girl until you find one who loves you AS YOU ARE, and not for who you are pretending to be.

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Um, I wouldn't walk up to a strange woman and demand personally identifying info from her, such as her name, because it seems a little pushy. You should just say 'Hi'. that's all that's necessary. Then maybe say 'I'm Joe'. If she wants to give her name then, she will. Also don't ask where she works. Or where she lives. This seems obvious that a strange guy should not walk up to a woman he does not know and demand information like this, but it has happened to me countless times.

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Um, I wouldn't walk up to a strange woman and demand personally identifying info from her, such as her name, because it seems a little pushy. You should just say 'Hi'. that's all that's necessary. Then maybe say 'I'm Joe'. If she wants to give her name then, she will. Also don't ask where she works. Or where she lives. This seems obvious that a strange guy should not walk up to a woman he does not know and demand information like this, but it has happened to me countless times.


Where do you live?



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OK - just gotta interject here and disagree with EVERYone- if you are having a difficult time approaching women or feeling uncomfortable about your ability to start up a conversation, having a practiced scripted line IS a good idea.


It is often suggested for people who have social anxieties - and I'm not saying that's what this is, but similiar aspects - that they think of things ahead of time so they feel prepared and confident...

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so say you get up the guts to do the "Hi, my names monsieur" thing, and she actually smiles at you and says 'hi, I'm Julie'.... what next?.... I have images of sudden brain freeze and silence and no thoughts or words at all popping in my mind, and fear taking over and walking away quickly looking like a dork....

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so say you get up the guts to do the "Hi, my names monsieur" thing, and she actually smiles at you and says 'hi, I'm Julie'.... what next?.... I have images of sudden brain freeze and silence and no thoughts or words at all popping in my mind, and fear taking over and walking away quickly looking like a dork....


Well, that depends where you are. Are you in a coffee shop? A bookstore? Mall?

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If you're going to have a "script", don't make it predictable. Some women get approached a lot and get asked the same questions, which I think would be a turn off for women.


If she's skimming through or holding a book, ask her about it. Very rarely is a girl/woman not holding something or doing something that you couldn't ask her about.

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If you're going to have a "script", don't make it predictable. Some women get approached a lot and get asked the same questions, which I think would be a turn off for women.


If she's skimming through or holding a book, ask her about it. Very rarely is a girl/woman not holding something or doing something that you couldn't ask her about.


Yep that's true, one of those cheesy stereotypical pickup lines is not good. A *bit* of a script would be ok, for instance scripting that you'll just start by saying, hi my name is joe. and scripting that you'll NOT walk up and say, hi where do you live!

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Look for coincidental things or commonlities. It's really hard to pick up a stranger... unless they were already looking.


I've found it takes a few meetings. First couple are simple 'hey, how's it going'... small talk. Smiling is good. Then you might compliment something about her. If its someone you know: 'You look nice today'... gradually build up to more lengthy subjects.


The problem with women is that they are the selectors. Few will pay a totally new guy any attention unless they thought he was hot at first sight. The most reliable thing for me has been repeat visits. See them often, don't be overly interested, but make good conversation. Alot of women like to talk, and all you have to do is listen... AND REMEMBER. Next time, recall that thing she said... and she'll be eating out of your hand


Seriously though, once she gets comfortable, you can just pop a question on her like 'Hey, what do you think about going out sometime?" Simple, easy for her to decline or accept without any pressure. You should really figure out how she sends signals first. If she's very friendly, then she's probably wondering why its taking you so long to get a clue.

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