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I just broke up with a guy I had the BEST euphoric feeling with!!! I'm scared I'm never gonna find that again because I've nevetr had it with anyone in the past. How common is that feeling? and how important is it? will it just fade eventually?

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Well, then it's a good thing the two of you aren't together anymore. If you want different things, it's awfully difficult to make it work. Yes, the pain will go away girl. Just give it time, you need time to heal from this. It's natural to feel this way. How long were the two of you together?



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oh hun, I felt that way with someone once, I thought it was the most true love ever and when HE dumped ME I thought I would die and never feel that way about someone again. For two years I compared every date to my first with him "Oh its so weird, 'HE' held my hand, 'HE' kissed this way...." and I thought I would always feel hurt.


I met someone about 6 months ago who I am in a relationship with now and if anything he has made me realise that, that wasnt love, I was infatuated with that person and in hindsight, they treated me badly! this time the feeling is so much more intense that whenever he says "I love you" it sometimes makes me cry because I realise that I am afraid to be without him. Its like no feeling I have ever felt before.


I am sure if it went wrong I would think "OH GOD!! AGHHH" but I wouldn't lose faith in finding 'that feeling' again.


The first flushes of 'love' are but a chemical reaction in the brain and as long as you have a brain you will feel euphoric with someone new! good luck! : )

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