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I don't know what to do?

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i don't want to demonise her..


I think that is the right attitude. Find a way to extract yourself but allow her her dignity and respect her situation as much as possible. Sometimes we are just not compatable with some individuals and there is no need to try and rationalise the why of it.


All the best.

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Thank you for all of your replies.


Melrich, I think you are right, i don't want to demonise her..


Miss M you are also right, she knows how to manipulate. But that may not mean that she's evil. HOwevr my paranoia when dealing with people like this is well warranted.


And if never fails, no matter how pretty the other women is, she always has to make it an issue because SHE thinks I'm prettier then her. I am so sick of women who can't be real friends to me because of their own insecurities. I think its petty.


I don't choose my friends by looks, i choose them by their intergrity and morals and positivity. I could care less if they looked like Halle Berry or not. Maybe i'm in the minority.


Ya I find that kinda intresting in life how we choose our friends.I have learned that there is a difference between friends and aquantances.After reading your post it made me look back on a simular situation about 20 yrs ago.I met this guy that was simular to your situation,he had trouble with people and keeping friends with his constant unconscience sabatoge,I am not sure why,but something inside me said

(EVERYONE NEEDS A FRIEND).So I chose to stick with it!Well guess what I am still His only friend just took me a while to understand Him, When the darkest days of my life came, about 4 yrs ago He was one of the few that stood by my Side with vigilance.I kinda agree with Melrich,and have learned to pick my friends real close and that there is always two sides of a story.

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