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What to do when they don't call you back?

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Hi this has always been something that bothers me. Mostly is because I usually always call when I say I am going to call.


I am trying to get ride of "the nice guy" and letting girls walk all over me. What would you do when they say they are going to call and then don't? Should you : just say forget them and not call back, call and give them hell, or call back and be that nice guy. This just recently happened to me and I was pretty pissed off she never called when she said she was going to. To be honest I will not be happy unless she calls and apologizes because I know thats what I would do.

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I understand exactly how you feel, I've had lots of guys not call me back when they said they would. And let me tell you, I'm not all sweetness and light, so I can't attribute it to that I'm "a nice, boring girl."


And you shouldn't either. Because what you're doing is then blaming YOURSELF for their rudeness.


What's more, calling them to give them hell for it only makes you feel dumb afterwards, so then you're just further punishing yourself for, again, THEIR lack of courtesy.


The answer is like DN says...don't even bother. Instead, write them off as someone who you shouldn't waste your time over.


You don't have to stop being a considerate person, you should just focus on finding someone who is just as considerate.


Hey, there are a lot of people out there who truly do deserve someone that has manners, is kind, and attentive. Just don't waste those wonderful qualities on someone who either doesn't appreciate them or deserve them or both.

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So right after I post I get a call from her, a day later then when she told me she was going to call. I find out she was out with family last night, so I feel alittle better about myself. I hear someone in the background calling for her so she says "I'll call you back alright"? I say "sure, no problem" I waited for about 20 minutes and then left the house for about 5 minutes. I come back and my sister said she missed a call while she was cooking. It could have been anybody as the phone was ringing alot tonight.... friends, family and a good chance itwas not even for me. I get all anxious and assume it was this girl. I call back her house and her cell phone with no answer . It has been a long time and I still have not heard from her. Someone shake me and tell me to smarten up. I am way too nice. ](*,)

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Yea, those really are rude people. But don't worry to much about her, you don't have to be too nice you know. I'm not like that when people are rude and unreliable. When I say I'll call (unless you're a no good loser) then I always call. Just ignore her, you'll find a someone nice and reliable like you

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Nice? Maybe she is just busy, and if she's not busy and just being a jerk, why are you interested in "telling her to change her behavior?" She's doing what she wants and her actions could simply be so innocent. But it is rude if someone says they will call back, but if they dont' give a "time" like "right back" then perhaps they "define" returning the call differently. You can only be honest with her, not "angry", being "honest" is not being the "nice guy" it's being the smart, strong, sexy, kind guy. If you "choose" to be a doormat and then call it "nice" that is YOUR fault. So be smart, kind, honest and nice, and you will only attract people who are the same. It is "smart and nice" to have boundaries and let someone know if what they are doing does "not work for you" but then remember a "nice, smart person" will accept them and either choose to "let them go" or "work it out". If she's inconsiderate, then move on.. you deserve better. Become someone YOU would want to go out with yourself.

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It doesn't matter if she is busy. She said she would call, and she should call.

If she was interested enough, she would go out of her way to stick to what she says.


I advise that you drop her like a bad habit.

Leave it up to her if she wants to call, but don't beat yourself up about it.

You did nothing wrong.

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