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Anger at the Ex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was doing ok all week, but then I started to think about how I was crying my eyes out when we were breaking up and he was SO nonchalaunt (sp?) he acted like it was a relief!! people always told me I was just a re-bound girl from his divorce and that he would hurt me, but he swore he wouldn't and that if anyone was going to get hurt it would be him because he would never hurt me. LIES! ugh. it hurts when you trust someone with your whole heart and give then your heart and soul and they use you he never even apologized for how he hurt me and never called me back! I have so much anger towards him now! ugh!!!

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I've got plenty of anger at my ex, too. No worries, it's natural. It's tough, because that person you cared about so much changes in your perception. They become some sort of stranger, this person you used to know so well. And instead of love you've got all this anger and hate.

Well, the way I see it, that's all you can do. You feel the anger for a good reason, so don't try and tell yourself otherwise. But don't dwell on it, use it to leave that person in the past and find someone better.

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You are right it hurts when you trust someone with your whole heart and they still hurt you.

I had that same thing happen to me. My ex in the beginning had told me that he loved me sooo much and wanted a life with me soo bad that he cleared his debt from the divorce and bought a house before ever mentioning me to our common friend. And this same person told me to get out of his house when he was breaking up with me.

That was hurtful, imagine being told to leave by the one you give you heart and soul too. I can forgive his being on dating sites when we were engaged to be married in our friends and families eyes but never the part where he told me to get out.

you will be ok and you will find someone better, cause he was never worth it. He did hurt you but he cant anymore.

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Yep, anger is a stage of grief. So you're on the right path...


Now what can you take from this? Usually "people" have a better perception of reality than you do, especially when your heart pines for him...


And remember this was just one guy, and not all guys are like this. So try to give the next guy a fair shake and not think he will do this to you. And after having gone through this you'll appreciate the good guy a lot more now...

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Anger is ok and understandable. But be careful that it doesn't leave you permanently bitter, especially at the ex. Remember that he had the right to break up with you, despite anything he said in the past, if he felt that the relationship was not working for him, or if he knew that he no longer loved you. That doesn't necessarily make him a bad guy - after all, would you really want to be with someone who was only with you because he felt a sense of obligation?


I don't say this to hurt you or criticise you in any way - only to try to ensure that you don't let this bad experience poison any future relationships.

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