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What exactly is a "Soulmate"?

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Now I've heard that word hundread already, mainly on T.V. or talkshows. And well I been thinking that those people just exaggerate when they say "Oh he's/she's my soulmate to the SO, isn't that way too much. Ok so I had crushes in school but never fallen in love, yet, still haven (you like falling over heels for that special dude, not yet), but ok I'll will pretty soon, part of nature I guess . By the way, what woud be a real definition of a soulmate?? Is it the same as saying "Oh my love, etc.?

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I always believed it was the best possible match for a person, the one God created for just them (Adam's Eve, so to speak). But now, I'm not so sure such a thing exists. And if they do exist, why do I not have one (as well as the many other lonely people out there)?

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And if they do exist, why do I not have one (as well as the many other lonely people out there)?


Agh, don't feel sad, sometimes being single has more advantages than being in a relation. Then again, yea, dunno what it would be like if I fell in love, think it would be a surprise and weird at first. Kevin don't worry time will come, it's happens naturally.

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I have been in love. Most wonderful feeling in the entire world, unquestionably. As for being single, some people don't mind it, a small unusual percentage actually like it, and the rest of us hate it with a passion. I'm a very warm person, so I hate having no one to share myself with.


Anyway, thanks for the encouragment.

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i know... my mom and grandmother use to believe in all this stuff... apparently there is different types. twin flames and soulmates, both have intense energies... the difference between the two.. the twinflame is the dynamite explosion of energy where soulmate is the dynamo generator energy.. lol


your actual twin flame is the other half of you soul.. most of the time your twin flame is not incarnate at the same time as you are, but stays in the ethers as a guide or caretaker... however, sometimes both you and your twin do incarnate at the same time.. this is RARE... when it does, usually that person is NOT your ideal mate, they are difficult to live with, your literal "other half" embodies everything you are and usually reflects everything you do not like about yourself.... we all have a twin flame.. with soulmates you get together and everything is perfect and the twin flame always is a chaos..


apparently this is how you will know if you find your twin... there will be a direct bond with this person, so drawn that you can't let go of the connection even if you never had a relationship, and thoughts will be never ending, sometimes for years.. the connection is very intense and you can feel what they are feeling even apart.. even when there is a positive or negative life styles, you will sense this emotion... a little scary... but can be a beautiful and traumatic experience... sometimes people can't handle this deep spiritual bond with someone and block it, but the twin flame is never one sided, the feeling between the two will always remain and will find themselves some way back to their twin when karma permits... they will usually pop up when you least expect it... same type of symptoms of a soulmate connection... it's telepathies, hugging each other is like coming home..


this doesn't mean the twin flame is the better relationship... with a soulmate there is a certain bond that can't be broken, with a twin flame it's very intense and can make a relationship break and re connect, sometimes years later...


hope this helps

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It's the eternal spiritual connection between two people. It's said in some mythology that each soul is a twin of another, and each time someone dies, the soul finds a new vessel (body) to live within.


I've heard that the soul can't rest in peace in Heaven until it has gone back enough times to find its twin, and make sure their soul is safe in Heaven too.


If one soul goes to hell, the other soul will wonder through life aimlessly as a ghost, mourning the loss of its twin. Hense places being haunted.



Thats just one of my theories however. I find it especially appealing

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I'm actually glad this whole soulmate thing has been brought up. I've thought about it and felt like posting about it one or two times, but havn't.


The definitions of what a soul mate is given above pretty much sum it up. To my understanding it is defined as that special someone put on this Earth just for you. The best you are meant to be with.


In my humble opinion (and I know many people on this site will disagree) the entire concept of a soulmate is complete total and utter crap. It's not only that I believe that there is no such thing as a soulmate, I think that the entire idea of a soulmate is counter productive and harmful to many relationships. I think there are two negatives to it on each side of the spectrum...


For example, I think it plays into the whole "easy come, easy go" mentality with many relationships. Having problems with your partner? Well then, they must not be your soulmate! Time to dump them and move on to find that special someone just for you, even if you're married. After all, if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be, right? So why bother trying? Why try and fix your relationship/marriage when the result is a forgone conclusion, because you're not soulmates...


And the on the other side, you might be in a relationship that is TERRIBLE. But for whatever reason or reasons early in the relationship when things were going good, the couple admitted to each other that they thought they were soulmates. So when things are bad (and I mean really bad), and there's cheating or abuse, and absolutely no love... you just have to stay with them, right? Because they're your soulmate! The laws of the universe have decreed you must be together, so even if there's blood and violence and the police are involved, you just have to stay together...


I think the former happens more than the latter, but I see more of the latter on this site. I've read many posts on this site where the poster will start off by mentioning how their partner (or former partner) is their soulmate, and then go on to list so many problems I wonder how they could have ever gotten past the first date, let alone think god put the other person on this earth just for them....


So yeah, that's my little rant on soulmates. As I said before I know there are people who may disagree with me, and I respect that. Just my opinion. I think if people would get past thinking there is only one person out there for them, and that person X is or isn't that person, they would be better off.

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A soulmate to me, is just an "expression" when two people feel a strong bond - this deep connection. It's hard to explain, but it's this feeling that you get, similar to coming home to something that feels so strangely "familiar". It's this warm glow inside that you feel when you're around that person, that's when you know you share something deep/intimate.


HOWEVER, the disadvangtage is the fact that there are people out there who are naturally sweet talkers who will act like they can be your soulmate. It's a part of their game - both men and women. They're just good at sweet talking. In other words, they're really good at being fake.


There are also some people who are just VERY charismatic, so multiple people will think that that person is their 'soulmate'. I knew a guy, whom LOTS of the ladies thought he was their "soulmate", because he was so likeable, attractive, funny, and had a good heart (kind of like one of those sensitive, yet, manly kinda guys). Anyway, he was a heart throb for lots of us girls.

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It's the eternal spiritual connection between two people. It's said in some mythology that each soul is a twin of another, and each time someone dies, the soul finds a new vessel (body) to live within.


I've heard that the soul can't rest in peace in Heaven until it has gone back enough times to find its twin, and make sure their soul is safe in Heaven too.


If one soul goes to hell, the other soul will wonder through life aimlessly as a ghost, mourning the loss of its twin. Hense places being haunted.



Thats just one of my theories however. I find it especially appealing


me too.... i heard that your twin is created together in the beginning and share a unique destiny.... some say spiritually when you enter in this life time you know if you want to meet with your twin flame or not.. it's truly a privilege to know your twin but you must be ready.. and we just have the one twin... most of us will go through life never meeting our twin. like i said, it's rare.


we can have many soul mates and karmic mates... true soul mates tend to be satisfying and life partners... anyone who influences your life one way or another and can accomplish great things together.. karmic soul mate is a soul that we still have karma to deal with between us, can be either good or bad.... it's a lesson to learn and a mystery of why this person entered our life.. the best way to meet soul mates of any kind is to not look for them.

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HOWEVER, the disadvangtage is the fact that there are people out there who are naturally sweet talkers who will act like they can be your soulmate. It's a part of their game - both men and women. They're just good at sweet talking. In other words, they're really good at being fake.


not so... if a person is your soul mate, more so your twin then BOTH feel a strong connection, it's never ONE SIDED thereforeeee, can not be a game.. in FACT you'll both feel this and thoughts of each other go on and on... no one could make another believe something unless they feel it too.. think about it.. you would have to be pretty naive to allow someone to convince you something like that... you feel it or you don't... it's meant to be or it's not..


no matter what, if we are meant to meet or be with our twin... then it will happen..

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I know what you're saying shyanne. My point is, there are some people out there who will throw those words around and play on other people's emotions. They will make a person feel elated/happy and even go as far as saying that they think you're their soulmate, all the while, do the same to many other people. In relationships, they cheat. Meanwhile, you're thinking, "Oh my, we BOTH feel the same." But the other person, having malintent, doesn't really feel as though you're their soulmate. They just say it just to say it to get what they want, but they do it very well. They know how to act that way, and they know how to act very happy around you to convince you that they really do feel as though you're both twin souls, whatever they think you might want to hear.


It's all about intentions/motives. I know from experience. Clearly, there are people out there who really aren't that honest and are very deceiving. They know how to play with people's emotions, sadly and unfortunately.

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well billy jean, i can only talk about things i grew up hearing/believing..... i have no idea what others may or may not do in relationships, as i only had the one real relationship....with my husband of nearly 19 years... from my understanding, i guess he would be a soul mate of mine since we've been together for almost a life time.. although, nether of us ever said or thought that we were... actually, i never gave it much thought or even discussed it with him before.. now that i'm talking about it, i would assume he is one..


like i said, i really believe that's something only the two involved would know.

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I don't believe in soulmates for a couple of reasons, which have already been mentioned. Plus it puts WAY too much pressure on people to be "perfect" for each other. The term "soul mates" often implies that there are a limited number or even only one other person for you, and I don't believe that's true either.


As someone else said, it's all about the "connection" and how well you seem to communicate with each other. Lots of people finish each other's sentences, exchange knowing glances and don't even need to speak to know what the other person is feeling. I don't think that makes them soul mates. I think it means they are good communicators who really listen to what the other person is saying, both verbally and non-verbally.


You will know if someone is "right" for you and if you are "right" for each other, but I don't think that makes you soul mates. I think that just makes your "great" mates.

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There is no one on the face of this earth, and even perhaps in the universe, who could ever give you all the love you could ever want or need.


Soulmates and the search for them are fun and profitable and give us a hope that there is someone out there special just for you. Some day your Prince will come. I once was a believer in the soulmate concept, till I realized that I kept on having to revise my theroy about it too many times to square with reality so as to render the whole concept irrelavant and meaning less.


Why do we look for our ideal lover, partner, friend? I'll answer my own question - because we have gotten into the habit of gettting our wants and needs for love, happiness and security met by others. We go outside ourselves for what we can find within. We just have this inverted perception that gets us all confused about it. Some of us try so hard and never find it. Others well, others settle for less in order not to face not being alone.


Carl Jung and Robert Johnson wrote in depth about that 'mystical' kind of feeling they called numinosity to describe the energetic sensation for two people who are attracted to each other. It is that lightening bolt, or cupids arrow that comes from nowhere and straight to the heart.


I wrote on another thread that what every human being on this planet is after is to love and be loved. To have love. That is all. I recently became very aware that I had no idea what love is. I used to think that I knew. For a time I thought I was an expert. I know better now. It is not that I don't have the feelings of what we call love but I see them more as sentimental feelings like fondness and appreciation. Love is something else.


As for soulmates. To borrow from Walt Kelly's Pogo - "We have met our soulmate and our soulmate is us"

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its when you and another soul in heaven vibrate at the same energy levels and have the best connections with each other, and promise to marry each other when you get to earth to help each other progress further into higher energy levels....


*cough* welll....metaphorically that's how I see it.

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Carl Jung and Robert Johnson wrote in depth about that 'mystical' kind of feeling they called numinosity to describe the energetic sensation for two people who are attracted to each other. It is that lightening bolt, or cupids arrow that comes from nowhere and straight to the heart.


I love Jung's theories. They're so interesting, IMO.

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I always believed it was the best possible match for a person, the one God created for just them (Adam's Eve, so to speak). But now, I'm not so sure such a thing exists. And if they do exist, why do I not have one (as well as the many other lonely people out there)?



Isn't this just a person that is, in a sense, your dopplegaenger?

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