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What you can do as a friend is if the mother is really abusing her children and is getting worse but they are not doing anything about it, seek help. It would be wise for them to seek help first but domestic violence should never be taken lightly.


I'm sure your friend is afraid but help them out! Call the police if you have to.

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Child Protective Services.


It'll protect them but also help the family to be united again. There's a chance that they can take your friend and the brother away so be cautious...but like I mentioned not only domestic violence is wrong but is also against the law.

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You can do this anonymously, or at least, CPS will protect your anonymity if you request it. You don't have to let your friend know you did this, if you don't want to, either. Like another poster said, some people should not be parents, plain and simple.

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Is she old enough to live away from home? I suffered this problem, my father used to bash me every day and my mother was too depressed to do anything. I told my friend after keeping it secret for years and his parents let me move in there. I had just turned 16.


Could you help her out like this perhaps, or other friends? Or anyone else, her aunts, uncles, grandparents?


If no-one can help her then it is best that CPS get involved.

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