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help me!


ok my ex got back in contact a few days ago after over 2 years and we talked for a while.she said she would talk to me the next day but never did.


so i asked her if she would come online(MSN)to talk properly and she said yeh and told me she would at this time.she never did but she said she had stuff to do and she would talk to me later,so i argeed.


she never did come online and she rejected my calls.so i got annoyed and asked her why she did that.she gave me an angry text saying she was sleeping!


so yeah....


im so eager because there is unfinished business and some Qs i need answering like why she got back in contact etc. i dont see why she would get back in contact unless she wanted me back.thats what im unsure on...


what do u suggest i do?

just wait and speak to her.....im really impatient and i want this cleared up because its stressing me out.

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Dont bother with her. Thsoe questions will most likely not be answered. I had an ex get in contact with me for the second time in 4 years. I emailed a few cordial emails to her. Then all of a sudden she stopped. SHe is with someone else and I was too at the time so I wasnt to concerned by what she had to say. But when it comes down to it I just dont care about her anymore its been 4 years and she is not the type of person I really want in my life and any questions I would have about "us" area really irrelavant. Just leave her be.

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Who knows why they decide to get in touch.....LOL


I had an ex come back after TEN YEARS, out of the blue. He tracked me down on one of those classmates websites and sent me an email. Imagine my shock at hearing from him after all this time, but I was overjoyed too. We were together for nine years, a long time ago!


I'd asked him why he'd mailed after all this time, said he still thought about me after all of these years and he still cared for me.


Back to the topic. I wouldn't bother mailing back, not when she's ignoring calls and emails. Speaking as a female,.if you were my ex and I was interested in you, I WOULDN'T be avoiding you. Doesn't her avoidance of you, tell you something??


She's perhaps just come testing the waters, to see if you are still there for her. Now she knows you are, she's lost interest again.


After two years apart, you should've by now, moved on long ago!!! Why want closure?? Closure happens, when a relationship ends, or it should do. Why even care what her reasons may have been, it's over now and has been for a long time!


Get out there and meet yourself a nice girl

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