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Gaining experience through just reading posts and answering!!!!!

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U know, do you people, specially those who never had extremely downs or those who never been into a relation and are still virgins who hardly ever dated or did so only a couple times (like me), get the feeling that you're learning more about life and gainning experince through just listening to people and new comers posting here and answering them back, and hearing a variety of opinions. It's like I'm feeling like an experienced person and yet never experience it in real life, just by being on this site and helping people.

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If you are sensible you realise that you never stop learning and one of the ways to do that is to keep an open mind.


When you advise other people about their problems you have to put your thoughts down logically so you can be understood. Very often the process of doing that gives you a deeper understanding of your own issues because now you have to think rationally as well as emotionally.

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LOL I feel the same way!

I also feel odd giving advice while my own life is a mess.

Advice born of experience is usually of more value than advice from someone who can only theorise. But we can also learn vicariously providing we think through what we are saying and don't assume advice based simply on opinion is superior to that gained through having been in a similar situation.
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Heehee, I agree Fairie- I seem to give good advice to my friends, but then in my own life I am so confused! I love just sitting here reading through past and present post and seeing all the helpful advice that has been given, and maybe try if possible not to make the same mistakes in similar situations.



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I would say that it is a mix for me. There are things to learn here that as of right now in my life I can not learn in the real world so I learn them here, and vis veursa. I don't think people here can learn everything here, becuase you can't show nor express certain human things thru text and must be experince first hand.


But like others have said learning is a non-stop process. And it is best to learn from other peoples mistakes, becuase more likely than not you may have the oppurtunity to adovid or correct the mistake that someone else made before you. Or sometimes you are force to make the same mistake, but now get the full picture of the mistake as you now have a first view as well as a 3rd view of the mistake and can understand it better and learn from it.

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When I first started visiting this site about 13 months ago, I spent maybe 3 weeks just reading others' posts -- even as far back as a couple years to find what I was curious about, before I even registered. Then of course, something did happen that there was no answer for, so I registered and started posting.


I can honestly say that I have learned a lot just from reading others' posts, be it "How do I flirt?" or "What are some signs that a girl likes you?" type threads, despite the fact that in reality not much has happened. At least now I know what to look out for, how to act, blah blah.


Very rarely does a forum have members that actually care about its other members, at least for the most part.

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I agree! This forum is a great way to learn about things without going through it all yourself. If a person is open and wise, you can avoid some common mistakes people make in relationships, or at least, waste less time on bad relationships.


That said, there is definite wisdom from those who have experienced troubles in their lives and found ways (or the grace) to overcome it, wisdom that's only gained through experience.

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It's great that you are able to get that out of being on this site. I am one who has gone through Hell in my life before reaching this wonderful place I am in in my life today. I was determined to learn only from my own mistakes and learn I have. I marvel at the wisdom is some of the posts I see here by people much younger than me.


I find that I gain an even greater appreciation of myself and my bf from this site as I read some of the stuff that posters' SO's do and say.

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