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What do you think about sex without commitment?

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I was just wondering what others think about it.Yesterday a student from my class said he finds me very attractive and sexy and offered me to try this.Though I'm probably gonna refuse because I hate rumours and I learned that I can't trust people for keeping a secret.Anyway,he wants to do it 'cause he's still a virgin(and he's only 16) and really wants to try it.Sounds stupid to me.What is your opinion?

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Sex often leads to strong emotional attachment. When you say a student in your class you sound like you are a teacher. I am guessing you meant a fellow student.. but, if you are a teacher by chance, then, well, definitely not! but, regardless, I don't believe in sex for the sake of sex....I think it should be with someone you are in a loving/caring relationship with.

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I was just wondering what others think about it.Yesterday a student from my class said he finds me very attractive and sexy and offered me to try this.Though I'm probably gonna refuse because I hate rumours and I learned that I can't trust people for keeping a secret.Anyway,he wants to do it 'cause he's still a virgin(and he's only 16) and really wants to try it.Sounds stupid to me.What is your opinion?


If you already feel it's stupud and you don't want the associations that go with it, I would say you should probably not do it! Why go against something that is against your own feelings on the idea?


Some people are fine with casual sex, but it does truly require a lot of thought.


Not only are there emotional attachments created by sexual intimacy and physiological changes (endorphins and oxytocin's that bond you to partner) but there are big risks. What if you were to get pregnant? No form of birth control is 100%....so now you could be "bonded" to this guy you don't know very well for the rest of your life due to a child....I can tell you right now there will be much more for both of you to learn in your lives before you "know" whom is not only going to be a great partner, but a great father. In my opinion, never have sex with someone you are not willing to possibly have children with, because it can happen.


It is ultimately your choice, but you should look at it from all angles, and from your own feelings on it.

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Well, ya gotta give the boy honesty points for coming out and telling you what he's after.


Some of them won't do that. I've known guys who will go to all sorts of lengths to hide their true agenda...until they get what they want. Personally, I was always better able to deal with guys who just flat out stated what they were after up front. That way, I could determine if I wanted the same thing or not and make a reasonable decision for myself.


In any event, it sounds like you're not interested in that kind of arrangement. So return the honesty in kind with a "thanks, but no thanks."

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why have a hamburger when you could wait a bit and have steak?


For both men and women, the sex is better, or should I say, the best sex is when both parties are emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, whatever-lly connected. Especially for women, where it often is a complete body/mind/soul experience. If one of those pieces ain't right, then all of it ain't right.


Sure, there can be times when just the physical part is nice, but it's not gonna stack up to a mutual meaningful connection in a committed safe relationship.


We can do better than the Animal Channel can't we?



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Derek once again nails it. I'm starting to think he's some kind of sex guru.


why have a hamburger when you could wait a bit and have steak?


For both men and women, the sex is better, or should I say, the best sex is when both parties are emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, whatever-lly connected. Especially for women, where it often is a complete body/mind/soul experience. If one of those pieces ain't right, then all of it ain't right.


Sure, there can be times when just the physical part is nice, but it's not gonna stack up to a mutual meaningful connection in a committed safe relationship.


We can do better than the Animal Channel can't we?


So avoid any friends with benefits, causal sex deal. It will just cause you more hurt then it is worth.

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