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Why doesnt he want to?

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I've been talking to this guy online for about a year now, we talk every day and I've had a video conversation with him and all that. A week ago he said we were never going to meet, just in passing conversation. I understand not wanting to meet now, we're both 17, but why not when we're older? It seems like he has feelings for me, at the very least we're close friends. It would just be nice to know it's going somewhere. It sounds lame but I just cant picture myself with anyone else.

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Hm. Meeting people off the internet is a big step. I know this as i met my two of my best internet friends. It went great and we are still friends.

He might just be scared. He might think that you won't like him in real life or he won't like you in real life. Video conversations don't show everything. He may think he's ugly and that you will just turn away. That's what i was worried about.


Why don't you ask him why he doesn't want to meet? It may set your mind at rest.

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Well if he doesn't know you want to meet, he will never know. He may have just said that you'll never meet because he thinks that's what you want to here. If you really want to meet him you'll talk it through with him. Just explain you don't want to scare him off but you want to meet him. You never know, it may bring you closer together.

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That's what I like about this site. It doesn't matter if people are who they say they are. It doesn't matter if I'm a man saying I'm a woman. I'm not trying to be anything but helpful and I think most people here are the same.


But when it comes to meeting someone after talking almost exclusively on-line, be afraid, be very afraid.


I think DN is right that it can be Ok to meet someone on-line and quickly develop it into a face-to-face relationship, if it is done safely and cautiously and if a lot of people, parents, friends, know you are meeting the person, etc.


Having said that, when he said the two of you are never gonna meet...was it said in disappointment? Like, "Well, what does it matter, we're never gonna meet anyway..."


Or did he say it more like, "I have no interest in ever meeting." ??


I'm curious because of the reasons already stated. Maybe he's too insecure about an actual meeting.


Is he continuing talking to you everyday?


How long after the video converstaion did he say this to you?


Did he say he still wants to keep an on-line friendship or is he stopping that too?


By the way, I really am a woman............ or am I??

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But when it comes to meeting someone after talking almost exclusively on-line, be afraid, be very afraid. ??
I AM afraid! I dont mean right now, but maybe later on this summer, or even next year. It would be nice to think that eventually we'd meet up.



Having said that, when he said the two of you are never gonna meet...was it said in disappointment? Like, "Well, what does it matter, we're never gonna meet anyway..."

Or did he say it more like, "I have no interest in ever meeting." ??

"Theres no chance we'll meet"

He still talks to me every day, and we've had alot of video conversations, it wasn't directly afterwards.



By the way, I really am a woman............ or am I??
Duely noted
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Perhaps he has had a bad experience meeting someone offline before and has thus swore never to do it again? Perhaps someone he knows went through a situation like people have been saying, where the other wasn't completely honest? Perhaps he is just scared to meet up in person? Perhaps he just doesn't know how to deal with what he senses you may be feeling?

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