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Some of your words may strike a chord with some people. And if it does, then so much the better for it.



Then I guess I really hope so, dont I?


I have learned things. I was trying to show you that you could find my answers to those things if you try to understand. That should be the point of these topics.


In otherwords, I havent sat down to reply to each singular message. That would take forever and it's ultimately futile. I have taken things as new knowledge. It's not my fault you're unaware and I dont feel obligated to point out every thought or alternative to what I've said.


Now, I am truly done with my dogma(lol I agree!). At least I tried something. If it displeased you, I'll be different next time. As for now, please LIGHTEN UP.



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Lighten up? How can you even ask someone to lighten up. This topic you chose to give your opinion on is very serious. I'm positive that anyone that suffers from this disease does not take it lightly.


As for suicide, I never have left that choice out and never will. Sometimes enough is enough, whether or not anyone else agrees with it. To those wanting death, if you honestly feel like you have to die and you have exhausted all other options, then do as you wish. If one of the points in this life is to pursue your own happiness, then why is suicide so bad? Suicide is a permanent solution to the problems that this disease brings. So ultimately, if happiness is to not suffer, then suicide makes perfect sense. I strongly believe that over time, we as a society have overvalued life. I agree with blue that it does come down to the choices we make, but only to a small degree. Life is only as precious as we want it to be. Sure I could choose to do good deeds and it may make me feel good about myself, but it will never change the fact that I have stages throughout the day, where I flip out for no reason whatsoever. It doesn't stop the infinite sadness that never goes away. The meds help, but not 100%. I have found nothing that allows me to be truly happy.


Blueangel, yes, believing in God and doing good things and thinking happy thoughts may have worked for you and we are aware that this is your opinion, but to keep repeating yourself and not acknowledge others views or even take them into consideration makes you one of the ignorant. I respect, understand, and accept what you have stated in this thread. But, even a generalization doesn't fit here. Let me tell you for a generalization, to those wanting death. Go get help, therapy and medication or whatever the doctor thinks suits your needs, they will give you activities and other exercises mentally/physically. Try whatever it is that you think will get you to a clearer state of mind. When you get to a clearer state of mind, if you still want death, then at least you tried to help yourself. That is where I leave this.

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Good answer. Not saying I agree but that was refreshing. You were very logical.


I don't know with suicide what is right or wrong or even if there is such a thing AS right or wrong. No one does. Maybe life is over-valued. But it's all we have. I think that makes it a huge deal, at least to me, to know why we are here and if there is a reason. How we spend it is even more important. Yet if one's life and happiness don't go together... it's so difficult to know what to do TO help oneself. You are right.


I've been doing research on the development of the brain for one of my classes, mainly in its early stages, when we are children. Brain development is made mostly through the key caregiver's interaction with the child. We are "the product of the early attachments we make in life." That's where our stability comes in hand. Genetics is the second part of it, of course, but to me, knowing that it has so much to do with the our internal emotions that make us who we are- including the SHAPE of the brain and so much about it... it makes me think something deeper HAS to be going on. We grow the strongest through spirit. We love with moral unity.


The more I live, the more I learn and the more I believe in God because there is so much telling me in my life TO believe. Even if not in the lives of others... even if it's not the same for them. That's where the greatest question comes in. If there is a God, life is valuable. If there isn't, what is the point? IS it overvalued? What do we do?

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You are saying great things but i am confused myself... I cant just choose to be happy...I am bipolar so my moods change sparatically so ill be really happy one second than insanely sad the next.I've expericed what ive had and i cant be happy...People set me off and make me so mad that like i do things to myself like gouge at my arms with my finger nails and cut myself open and like hurt myself by punching myself and i cannot control it at all and i get so angry at myself and everything.Thats my way of self harm i guess.You make it sound so easy yet i dont feel how easy it is in the ways I've experienced life.I don't know how i could possibly be happy when im such a nice person yet i constantly get used for my kindness and treated like crap.Even by friends.I care so much about others yet no one gives a damn about myself cause im just someone that is used by everybody and anybody in this stupid fricken world.Put down or talked to about somoene else's problems.Like people constantly complaing about their bad days or something stupid like that.Yet i never complain one bit too them in real life ever i just keep it all inside.Id just like too see what the world would be like without us really kind people.See how everything would be without nice people because i know there are very few.Everyday i live it seems so pointless to go on.Nobody cares.I care so much about people in this world yet it means nothing in this corrupt human society and people like me get treated like we are weird or stupid.

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There's this quote I really like. It goes:


"People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway." -

-- Mother Teresa


I guess I really dont know what it is like to be the way you are. No one can truly know that except yourself. I just know what I've been through.


I remember I was going through this HUGE depression. The summer, a few years ago it was, I was a camp conselour for little kids at a place called Camp Cranberry. I brought out my sense of humor there and other personality traits to keep the kids entertained and feeling interested in. I did this and started to befriend a girl there named Caity. It was my first friend in a really long time and it touched me that I could be capable of making one anymore. Well, I remember starting to wake up happy and wake up full of life on my own. I had deeper things to look forward to. I was having FUN.


Then, as Caity got closer to me, I got bitter because she couldnt comfort me in the way that I needed her to. I ended up losing her. I was feeling depressed there then... or at least, for a moment, I felt a wave of it going through me. That moment I felt a choice to enjoy what was going on around me or to pity myself. I remember choosing between the euphoria being around kids gave me and the darkness ready to pounce. I remember choosing to keep the euphoria in me alive and to keep it going. I remember smiling and laughing anyway- despite my situation or pain inside me.


It was all a moment but certainly one that has impacted how I view life and the control, in the end, we really are given within ourselves.


I dont know your life story unless you tell me it. I only know mine. Pain lives on but connections with true friends become rare at certain stages in our lives. Maybe that's what you need. If so, there are many people here. I am here. You can PM me

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