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I carried my daughter to a as she calls him a shrink today. He helped her soo much!!! He has her on a medication for a little while and wants her in therapy. He gave her a couple of alternatives to the cutting til she relearns how to deal with her emotions. She is suppose to wear a rubber band all the time and pop herself when she needs to cut and if she needs to see whe blood, mark on herself with a felt pen where she wants to cut. If these don't work he told us to get a bowl of ice water and put her hand in it. The cold will sting a little, but should take away the drive for her to cut for a little while.

This may sound stupid, but it does help her some. So I wanted to share this information and hope that it will help someone else.

Thanks to everyone for your help!!!! It was & is greatly appreciated!!!!

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I'm glad your daughter is starting to improve. It's going to be a long road. This isn't something that just disappears overnight. But with your support and professional assistance she will hopefully develop other coping mechanisms.


Another idea - have her take an ice cube and crush it in her hand really hard. It hurts, but doesn't do any permanent damage. It seems to help bring the person some relief.

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I'm glad your daughter is starting to improve. It's going to be a long road. This isn't something that just disappears overnight. But with your support and professional assistance she will hopefully develop other coping mechanisms.


Another idea - have her take an ice cube and crush it in her hand really hard. It hurts, but doesn't do any permanent damage. It seems to help bring the person some relief.


Not to butt in, but do you mean squeeze it in your hand? So you have the ice cube in your hand and squeeze as hard as possible?

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I am so thankful that you are seeking and actually getting help and treatment for your precious daugther. I have a daughter and a son, so I can almost feel your pain, with out having actually gone through it.In reality, I can only empathize with what you are going through. I wish her great things to come. As avman said, its not going to be a quick overnight cure, but it will take some time. Please keep us posted on her progress. She is blessed with a special mom and I know you will do your best with her...TAKE CARE

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Not to butt in, but do you mean squeeze it in your hand? So you have the ice cube in your hand and squeeze as hard as possible?


Yes, take a whole ice cube (a square one with edges, not those smooth round ones) and try to crush it with your hand. Squeeze hard, it really hurts. But it does not leave scars or risk infection like cutting does.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Just want to say that I hope you are doing ok and that your daughter is well. I've followed all the advice that you have been giving and I think you are a good person for trying to help others going thorugh similar experiences. Stay strong, you guys can get through this together.

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these are great strategies to help. i have used the same tips several times. I wish i could stick to doing just that...i teach first grade, and my first graders wear colored rubber bands now lol its so cute, they dont even know why i do it, but they just think its cool. it makes me smile.

just out of my curiosity, did he prescribe her luvox? cause i was on it for a while, and it really helped, but it definetly needs to be combined with therapy.

she is lucky to have a mom who cares so much about her. I hope she improves, and these methods help her.

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