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Is this a problem?

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Okay I know this will sound stupid, but I just found out about "gag reflexes". The reason I found out was my boyfriend was gaging on food that got caught in his throat. This was really strange to me, I reached my finger as far back as I could and I could feel down my throat. I have no gag reflexes! Is this a problem?? Whats up with me??? Info please!

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its just really strange...when I think about it...I've never thrown up, or couughed anything up. You know a even stranger thing is, I have to break up spagetti, because when I swallow it not all of goes down! It looks like I'm constantly slurping. But its not painful. As for these "benefits...lol. Does anyone else out there have this problem?

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I have a strong gag reflex, it can be a rear problem at the dentists. For example, I DEPLORE getting impressions of my teeth taken because I constantly have to fight the urge to retch.


I can't really see where having almost no gag reflex would be an issue, particularly as an adult. As a baby, perhaps in the case something was about to go into your windpipe that would block it you'd want a reflex reaction to cough if back out. As an adult though, you tend not to get into situations like that where you consciously wouldn't react. Only true danger might be if you werently fully conscious and something lodged itself at the back of your throat.


I wouldn't classify it as a problem at all.

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I've had a lot of first hand experience with gag reflexes. I mean that in the most innocent way possible too, BTW. lol


I worked as a dental assistant for years while putting myself through college. Some patients would gag at the mere thought of something going into their mouths. Some would gag if they opened their mouth too wide, or if you put a cotton-roll in their mouth. Then there were others that had hardly any gag reflex- they were easier to work on.


For example, I DEPLORE getting impressions of my teeth taken because I constantly have to fight the urge to retch.


Ah yes, Ash, I've seen many like this. They hated me and wanted to bite my hand off as I put the trays in their mouths- especially the upper tray. Their eyes even teared. I used to feel like a bad person. I'm soooooo glad I don't work in dentistry anymore!


A good strategy that I found to work with people: if you have a bad gag reflex while getting dental impressions- breathe very deeply and slowly through your nose and while in the dentist chair lift both of your legs off the chair together and hold them there- out straight. It's weird to explian why it works- part mental distraction of holding your legs out and part abdominal muscles regulating the breathing better and taking the tension out of the throat- placing it on the abs.




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My mother has a horrible gag reflex - she dreads the dentist as even the dentist walking near her will cause her to start gagging! They have to knock her out for any procedure - even cleanings. At least she goes regularly though


I on the other hand don't have that AT all. If I had to throw up to save myself from poison I had swallowed for example, I would be screwed!


I know this will sound weird but...I have a history of eating disorders (I am fine now) - anorexia and a few other "less known" ones. However I never even touched bulimia as I could never "make myself" throw up. Grosses me out anyway, but at least I never tried that one out!


Trust me though if you ate something that went down the wrong pipe you would still choke and your body would fight to get it out, even people with mild reflexes will respond to things like that. When you put your finger in your throat before, it was not "stimulating" the nerves or response that would have that reaction.


It's really "not a problem" to not have a strong one. It will be there when you absolutely need it.

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Ah yes, Ash, I've seen many like this. They hated me and wanted to bite my hand off as I put the trays in their mouths- especially the upper tray. Their eyes even teared. I used to feel like a bad person.


Actually ... thanks for that BellaDonna. I was never upset at a dentist for that, I just never knew that they might realize it was a big difficulty for me. But perhaps they did and hopefully made things go as quickly as possible. Anyway, your post makes me realize it is something that is understood and it wasn't just me that had difficulties.



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