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Cyber sex?


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So like, my girlfriend is currently a fair distance away from me, so we've been chatting via IMs and phone and the like. She wants to try cyber sex with me. I haven't done this much before (or recently), so if possible I'm looking for tips on how to best keep her interested and how to add variety - things like that. Thanks.

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How old are you? Have you had sex before?


Not trying to pry, just seeing if you are someone with "experience" or a teen who is unsure what to do.


Cyber sex is essentially sex, through written words. Just as phone sex is through spoken words. The key is to be descriptive. Since you can't actually do the physcially acts, you need to be able to describe them and paint the picture, set the mood. Describe you actions in detail. Don't just say, I'm touching your breast. Say that you are taking them into your hands, feeling how soft and delicate they are. You caress them, running your fingers all over. Kiss them with your lips brushing against them, blowing softly. Lick them, your toungue running along her flesh. Squeeze them. Place one in your mouth....


Um... you should get the picture.


Being descriptive, taking your time (don't rush to the main event, have foreplay), and getting over the nervousness to lose yourself in the experience are the best tips I can think of. Don't worry, you'll probably be a natural once you get started.

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Don't just say, I'm touching your breast. Say that you are taking them into your hands, feeling how soft and delicate they are. You caress them, running your fingers all over. Kiss them with your lips brushing against them, blowing softly. Lick them, your toungue running along her flesh. Squeeze them. Place one in your mouth....


Someone's had experience...


...Anyway, I agree with ShySoul. Although I have never had sex via internet (I think it's kind of weird but that's just me), just like real sex the most important thing is to lose yourself in it and take your time so that pleasure is had by both parties. Why don't you try phone sex? I mean, it's a little more personal than just seeing letters come onto your screen.

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Someone's had experience...


Or I've watched too many romance movies and read too many romance novels.


I remember reading a funny article on how not to have cyber sex. Wish I had saved it.


Think about what you did when you had sex and act like your doing it to her. Important thing is to let yourself go and enjoy the experience. And phone is better, hearing a person's voice can really heat things up a notch.

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Sorry for the assumption. I didn't mean to offend/insult you in any way so I hope that you did not take it that way.


Or I've watched too many romance movies and read too many romance novels.


I remember reading a funny article on how not to have cyber sex. Wish I had saved it.


ShySoul (as usual) continues to have good points. Just take what you physically did and verbalize it. That's it.

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ahh... CSex (as i like to call it). Me and Moon Goddess have CSex all the time. The key is to be descriptive. as little distractions as possible. Given time, you will realise that you fall into a trance-like state. Thats when the best sex occurs. You will find out with pratice that you really are having sex, just rather then touching, your typing. (touching the keyboard...). If you got a webcam, masterbating and showing them that is also pretty powerful. Its a great feeling, for both sides.

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What do you mean u dont like reading romantic novels? Me and MG's life is like our own little very odd novel. Its even got special features! Its written in real time, u read 1000 other peopls novels as well. And it is a very long novel indeed! The novel even speaks of itself!!!


On a serious note, i forgot to mention that you want to start of small. Just kissing, taking of shirts and bra, caressing breasts and bodies. Start small, and work your way up. Otherwise, its only words. And yes, even Pro-Elite MG and I sometimes its only words, when we arent in the mood.

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What do you mean u dont like reading romantic novels? Me and MG's life is like our own little very odd novel. Its even got special features! Its written in real time, u read 1000 other peopls novels as well. And it is a very long novel indeed! The novel even speaks of itself!!!


On a serious note, i forgot to mention that you want to start of small. Just kissing, taking of shirts and bra, caressing breasts and bodies. Start small, and work your way up. Otherwise, its only words. And yes, even Pro-Elite MG and I sometimes its only words, when we arent in the mood.


I really think masterbating is the best fun,especially if you got a partner who understands how you feel.im 48 yrs old my girl is 27 and hot shes thai been married twice and shes coming around to accepting it and yes i have had heaps of women but love wanking .....cheers

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If your going to try cyber sex it might be easier if you write it in third person, like writing a story and it sounds better than first person when describing actions.


First Person Example: I kiss you softly


Third Person Example: He kisses her softly


Pick which ever one would make you more comfortable and sound better for you.

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