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How to make a shy guy less nervous?


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Try getting his e-mail address or similar, and just send him an e-mail saying who you are and that you only want to talk to him, you won't bite! Make a joke of it however, and don't make him feel bad. Shy people find it easier to communicate via e-mail because no- one is watching them and there is no set time to reply.



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My man is terribly shy. We have been friends for 2 years, and he finally admitted he had feelings only 2 weeks ago... it took us 3 days to finally kiss and I certainly had to do the first step... haha, when I first hugged him, he froze! However, this shyness is now completely gone. Just be careful, try to reassure him by not being too forward. If you have approached him, just ask him for a coffee. If you think he likes you, you can just start by touching his arm lightly.


And, yes, hk!!! My bf admitted his feelings over e-mail, but it is more than I would ever have dared. I am shy myself, and I always let the other person do the chasing. Which didn't really work for me in the past, because I like shy guys and then no one would take the initiative.



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Create a comfortable environment for him, and invite him to come to you. Don't ask alot of interogating questions. Let him know you are interested in getting to know him better, but be patient and let him reveal himself at his own pace. Let him know that whatever he says to you, is between you and him, and will go no further, unless he would like it to. Humor is good too, do something that will make him laugh at you. This shows him that you are just as vulnerable as he is, and when he laughs at you, just smile back, or better yet, join him in laughter. This shows that you're confident in your vulnerabilities, and that you're not afraid to laugh at youself. You're also subconsciously telling him that he should not be afraid to laugh at himself if he does something he would normally be embarrassed of.


Where do you usually see him? How have you approached him in the past? Does he literally run away from you? How does he look at you, when you aren't approaching him?

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To prevent them from running away, the best thing to do is tie their shoe strings together. They won't get far.


Seriously, smiling is a big comfort zone. If I make eye contact, or if I smile and I don't get a smile back, then I assume she's not interested.


If in a crowd, talking loudly would bother him, unless you need to talk loudly to be heard. We are a private people. Some of my friends talk loudly in public and I either blush, hold my head down or change the subject to their explosive diarrhea, which I know they won't shout about.

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