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URGENT: i need help on how to leave a huge part of my life

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without details of my 'story', basically me nad my ex have been broken up for a couple months, but were still in love and she still wants a future with me, like long term. but i feel kind of played because she wants to be single and wild NOW, and get back together lately. Now my biggest nightmare has come true and i have reason to believe from reliable sources that she has been with 4 guys and is very sleazy. upon finding this out, i called her and (very calmly) told her to answer me honestly whether this owuld be the end of us forever or not, i said more also but basically just telling her to give me the honestly truth because ive never been more seroius in my life. and she told me that she hasnt slept with anybody, but she told me that shes kissed somebody and that shes seeing a guy. but anywyas i guess my qauestion is, i have a very very strong feeling that she is lying to me and ive decided to cut things off for good, what is the best way going about htis? id really like to see her face to face and ask her one last time becasue i would be able to tell face to face, and if it was true then just tell her to have a good life and wish her the best of luck, but im not sure, what do you guys all think? thanks in advanced.


p.s. i feel like a huge played fool becuase ive always been so certain that i knew what was going on...

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Don't make accusations, especially ones you cannot prove. Just tell her that you have decided that you don't want to wait for her any longer and have decided to move on and find someone who wants to be in a relationship with you now. Tell her that you will no longer contact her and ask her not to contact you.


Keep it short and simple. Then take the time to heal and then move on to someone else.

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I'm with DN on this one, calling her a liar with proof is one thing but calling her a liar without proof is all wrong. I think you need to realize what we have told you before, this time out session so she can explore the field is a real bad idea. It leads to insecurities such as this and destroys all trust. You need to end it 100% and go on with your life. If your paths cross again some day then fine, re-visit the relationship then. As of now there isn't a relationship to try and figure out.



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thanks alot guys, i really need to hear that. this info is actually coming from her best friend , BUT it is through another friend, still thought its is VERY VERY convincing and im being told that this is all true, but nonetheless thanks guys, im going to end it, not sure how though, but it has to be done so i can continue on with my life.

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Just ask her. More often than not, people will tell the truth.


You are showing great maturity, in that even though you are hurt, and I assume, bitter, you still want to wish her the best of luck for her future?


Ok, so this is me, I do have my share of problems, but I would be racking my 12-gauge shotgun right about now if I was in your shoes, buddy!




To be honest, if you don't love this girl, end it. It'd be easier on both of you that way. But if you want to find out the truth, you really do need to ask her face to face.


Hope this helps...

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Dude, obviously she's either with or going to be with other guys. You two are broken up. Getting back together in the future won't happen, you don't need to tell her anything. Just drop the case and let her go. If she asks what's up, tell her you need to move on and go into No Contact.


Never get down on yourself for being fooled, she's lying to you. It's all her fault, not yours.

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I agree with Heloladies21, you guys are broken up. The fact that she wants to be free and single NOW and then down the road when she gets all her freak out get back with you shows how immature this girl is.


Chances are she has "been" with other guys, but you need to be the better man here. Go out classy and not as an immature child who didn't get his way. Don't accuse dont insult don't yell. Trust me i know its harder than it sounds. Wish her the best and move on with your life, if need be go into NC. DO NOT be her plan B every other month she feels like it.


My guess is down the road when life has humbled and matured her that she'll think back about you and kick herself for screwing everything up. She'll remember how mature and classy you left the relationship and she'll compare u to all the losers she comes accross and regret it everyday of her future meaningless "relationships". You'll haunt her, hahaha how cool is that. Trust me i've seen it happen. So move on with life and find someone who'll want to be with you NOW instead of DOWN THE ROAD. Peace and stay strong!

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