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I am at a camp, and have fallen in love with a really cute guy 14 years old, 2 years younger than me. He is really mature, and is amazingly sexy and smart. He doesn't talk much, but when he occasionally smiles, it just makes my day.


I know I have no chance, but I can't help but looking at him, or imagining kissing him right then and there.


Has anyone had this experience before? I know it is impossible to have any relationship with him, since I'm almost sure he is not gay, but the urge is unbelievable. I have to really tell myself to stop staring at him.


WE were on the elevator and he was so close to me, and my heart was pounding. He doesn't hate me, but I think only likes me as a friend which makes things worse!


I need advice- and of course he doesn't know I feel love for my own sex also.......

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I dont quite agree with seagirl on this one, not that the opinion is bad BUT why cant you get with him? talk with him a little, after a lil while (1-3 weeks) just tell him how you feel, i know that i dont show my feelings well, i can be absolutly in love with a girl and almost cover it up by being indifrent. GO FOR IT, if you ask him out and he says no then your outa luck, BUT IF YOU DONT ASK then your REALLY outa luck, cause what happens if he goes out with you? then ur good rite? just try

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You're right darknova I was not even looking at it that way!


I did not mean you could not approach him...i was just going on you saying it was impossible...I did not look beyond that it make not actually be true (if you give the guy a chance to respond).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes I've had experience with something like this too.


But how do you know for sure that he's not gay? A friend of mine once told me that when a boy feels attracted to another boy, there's a good chance that that other boy is bi/gay as well. I'm not sure if this is right or not, but hey, give it a try. If you think he's mature enough for you, then he'd certainly be mature enough to talk about subjects like homosexuality as well. You won't know for sure unless you talk with him about it, right?

I know it sounds hard, so maybe you should try coming out to him first, showing him that you trust him a lot etc. Then IF he's bi/gay too, he'd most likely tell you too because you shared your secret with him too.

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