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Barred from being me

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Umm...where do i start..


Im just not sure on how to handle some things in my life,

and im not really a person that talks bout stuff like that with friends...n i dun think theyd get me either cuz noone of them are in a position like me..


Its about my parents and me and friends.


Once upon a time...when i was a kid..

Parents would never let me go play with other kids, id have to sneak out.

Then my dad died...


Now step dad and mum dont let me sleep over...or go out past 7pm, go to parties...i live on a farm and i can hardly get into town till like 5pm...


And this is making me feel strange..Insane in a way.

I dont know how to handle this...


When i go out parties and sleep over at friends houses i have to say that im going to stay at my brothers house. And i can only do that so often because im not even allowed to be there for more than a night or 2 a week

I used to be nice and believe in god and things like that, but now i hate relying on others or hoping for better..It seems like..my entrapment makes me unable to get close to ppl. I mean sure, i have friends and mates..but noone i could relate with and do all this stoopid teenage stuff, like a best friend..


And i feel that its my fault...

This seems kinda strange posting my deepest insecurities and fears into a forum...But i just dont know what to do


I need to end this because im scared if it will impact my social life..more than now..


I just dont know what to do...



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Your parents must understand that it is in your interest to do the things they don't let you.

I also suggest talking to them, and maybe it would be easier if you asked your brother to do this for you as he might understand and be able to speak to them at their level (that's just life... older people respect older people more).

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