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For all u snitches that r out there... read what happenned to me...

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Yup!!! I went into my ex's email and saw an email from nextel that he had previously opened and read and guess what i saw.....YES! His cell phone number that he never gave me the number cuz he changed it on me!!! Sooo I copied on to a piece of paer...(wasn't going to call him) but i wrote it down anyway and I wanted to call a friend of mind whose number was on the same paper AND I DIALED THE F'IN CELL PHONE NUMBER!!!!!! yes i did like a real IDIOT!!!!!! I realized it to late...the voicemail came on....I got the chills and the * * * *z from nervousness....so obviously he saw my number and guess what he didnt call it back! I was thinking of changing my cell# but my friends said for me not to do that...who cares what he's thinking now though i know he's going insane thinking how the hell I got his number!!! Im still nervous!!! I guess thats what I get for me such a snitch!!!!! any advice/ comments would be appreciated...I KNOOOW im a crazy biatch!

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esboogie - why are you still doing this? You've been playing this game with him for about 6 months now. If I were him, I would have called the police by now.


I think you should talk to a therapist about why you keep doing this. It's very destructive and it's not getting you anywhere....

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In your case, I might take a different approach. Your behavior has become obsessive. In each case, the behavior you're exhibiting causes you emotional pain. Each time you choose to behave that way, you do more and more damage to your mental state. You're not the only person who does things like this - I've met plenty of other people who use self-destructive behaviors on a regular basis.


If I were you, I might force myself to stay away from the computer. How would I do this? By unplugging the connection from the wall. You might find that you feel better about yourself after a week of not checking up on him. Then, after another week goes by you'll feel even better. You might become curious and want to check his email again, but you would have already gone 2 weeks without doing it.


Another tactic might be sending a mass email to EVERYONE YOU KNOW asking them to "change their email password, because you heard that many of (insert his email service here such as hotmail, gmail, yahoo, etc) passwords have been hacked."


If those two tactics fail, pick up a book on OCD. They can be found near the psychology section in your local bookstore. Many of them have worksheets to practice getting over certain negative behaviors such as the one you're committing. Good luck.

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I just want to add that I think you just have to re-program your actions when you feel the urge to do something related to your ex.

You just have to do something else that, instead of making you more dependent on him will make you more a complete person.

But of course, you will decide when the time is right and when you really feel ready to stop giving your time and energies to him.

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