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my parents found out I was stoned last night. My mom said that she just didn't want it in the house, that as long as it didn't affect my school work and job, and that I shared with her...


is it just me or is she going really easy on me here...


When she came into my room, she said, "hi, i'm just going to talk in here with you so it seems like i'm yelling at you"


I was so shocked.


I also get this weird feeling, like i'm paranoid about it or something...like being stoned in the house again, i'm affraid to be...shouldn't I be happy that she's ok with it?

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Reverse psycology maybe? At least I hope so. I would be worried if she was honestly ok with you doing that stuff.


If you feeling weird, maybe its your conscience trying to tell you not to do it again, that it isn't something you really want to do? Why did you do it in the first place?

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Your mom was a teenager once too, so who knows, she may have been in your exact position and that's the reason she's so understanding.


Lots of parents know that marijuana isn't very harmful, while used in moderation. If she doesn't, you should educate her on it, because Marijuana's effects on the human body is quite intruiging.

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why should she have a problem with it, its your body and ultimately you decide how to live your life. As far as i can see she simply accepted this and basically said its upto you as long as it doesn't affect your education (the part shes paying for). Dont look into it too deeply as there isn't really a deep meaning to it. My parents had a similar reaction with smoking cones, just take it for what it is, her acceptance that it is your life.

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i find most people smoke pot because its an escape. its kind of a relaxing thing because i know for a lot of people, their mind is constantly running and working and one can never have a clear head and it seems pot can help clear it for a while. and as for your mom, maybe she really doesnt care. she was young, she probably did it too and she knows you well, id expect, so she probably trusts that getting high isnt gonna infringe on your life.

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I do it because I just want to...cause it's a way to, in a sense, forget about what's going on and step out of reality for a little while...and in a sense a form of rebellion..


Yet, reality will always be there when you come back. Any problems or feelings you may be having, any situation you have to deal with, will still be there. Nothing will be solved and you will just be adding one more problem to the list.


People turn to any number of things to escape and forget about what is going on. But they never can. They are just running and if you keep running long enough, you will find yourself lost with nowhere to go. It's best to confront and deal with issues instead of trying to escape from them.

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Please don't smoke marijuana as a method to escape reality. You'll never get away. Face your fears, problems, and difficulties in life while you're not under the influence of a mind altering drug.


Smoking should be to relax, and enjoy. Not to forget and hide.

I agree with others here, smoke in moderation, and have a mature discussion with your mom, seems like a good plan to me.

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I don't do it to necasarily "escape" reality...but it just relax for a bit and take a break.

I think Kamue explained it rather well.


I have no intentions to ever smoke it exsessivly or abuse it. I've also promised myself to be safe with it...like never to drive under the influence.

It's just nice sometimes to be able to step back from the stress of being a senior in high school, the choices of college, and two jobs...it's just nice to "take a break" from all that weight and just put it down for a moment.

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Oh for sure.

Marijuana is incredibly harmless compared to the label that society has given it.


Tobacco and alcohol deaths in one year alone are extremely higher than that of marijuana. Since it's never been recorded to kill a single person by direct use. It does kill if you drive/operate machinery/other irresponsible activities.


If you stay safe with it, smoke to relax and enjoy, and don't let it rule your life, you'll be absolutley fine.

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Well, guess your mum doesn't really make a fuss about smoking. Beware it's OK to smoke a while just for fun but you don't want to smoke than five cigarettes per week you'll be shortening your lifespan by 5min each cigarrette. (Not my words seen it on some posters hung by the health department) and believe me you don't want to touch drugs I heard stories on people who only used light drugs once month to chill but believe me he tried other things which, added the chill and cool effect until finally he died of an overdose. I don't want to be much of a dictator but drugs even harmless ones like marijuna are a no-go.

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Marijuana is incredibly harmless compared to the label that society has given it.
I must interject - marijuana is less harmful than other drugs but it is NOT harmless.


A HUGE danger with marijuana use is the psychological effects. READ these:


There is far more info out there...google is your friend.


Also, it contains the same cancer causing chemicals as in tabacco. Now, while the chemicals are present in smaller quantities and people tend to smoke less dope then cigarettes you must remember that when you smoke you keep it in your lungs for as long as possible - this is bad, people don't do this with cigarette smoke. Smoking marijuana danages DNA equally as much as smoking tobacco... damaged DNA from cigarette smoke leads to cancer ( )...I wonder what damaged DNA from dope smoking causes? (read the last sentence of the following article, which I have conveniently quoted).

To see the consequences of this READ this:

Let me quote the last three sentences:

"I think it is because marijuana smokers hold the smoke in their lungs for longer and do not use low tar, filtered marijuana joints.

"And they generallly smoke the joints down to a very small butt, which increases their exposure to the cancer causing chemicals."

Dr Ammenheuser admitted that proviing marijuana causes cancer is difficult because most smokers also use cigarettes, or use tobacco as an ingredient in a joint.

A Scientist cannot say something is true without proof - where is the proof that cannabis is safe?

Note the proof that Cannabis is linked to / causes mental illness and DNA damage in quantities equal to that of tobacco (FTA above). Wouldn't this imply that it is unsafe?


I'd appreciate it if people cited sources (even just news sites like those...erowid is NOT a source LOL) for claims such as "dope is safe".


It is a drug and you are influencing other people by saying such things.


You can do whatever you want, but it is UNFAIR to say things that are not true.




Now to be fair, let's look at the other point of view.

Here is an article that says it is safe:


Now, let me "evaluate" some of the points made in the afforementioned article.

1. The title is "Proven: Cannabis is Safe Medicine". According to the title the article proves that it is safe. I am going to hold them to their word.


The journal PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS [2] reports that decades of research prove that, "Compared with legaldrugs...marijuana does not pose greater risks."
This point is irrelevant - it is used to make out that marijuana is proven to be safe...this point does not say this - it says that it is "safer".


cannabis kills 0 per year
Again irrelevant - this is the number of attributed deaths... this is not the same as the number of actual deaths. (there is a big difference...see the last sentence I quoted from the BBC article)


Opponents of legal cannabis access would have us be- lieve that there is not enough research available todetermine its safety.
This is an insult to science - science requires PROOF (let's not get picky though...proof beyond reasonable doubt...however you want to say it) to prove something. There is a sh!t load of research on dope, but that does not mean that relevant conclusions can be drawn from this research.


"Moderate [cannabis] use produces practically no ill effects."
Um, this study was from 1894...DNA wasn't shown to contain genetic information until 1951...how can this comment be relevant if they couldn't analyse the effects on the DNA or understand the mechanism by which cancer occurs?...also they would have to have a group of subjects who smoke dope exclusively etc. ...


"Smoking marihuana does not lead to add-iction... does not lead to morphine, heroin, or co-caine addiction"
I love this quote...it's just so, well, SELECTIVE lol. Speaks for itself, make of it what you will.


The Jamaican study states that, even as cannabis use in Jamaica "is pervasive" and is used "in heavier quan- tities with greater THC potency than in the U.S.," its use is "without deleterious social or psychologicalconsequences." [12]
THC does not cause cancer!!! This quote is simply a work of art, it just looks so good! But it would be like trying to pass off a stick-figure sketch as the Mona Lisa. But wait for it, this is my favourite part right here....THC has actually been shown to REDUCE the size of cancer tumours...I'll quote two sources, and please note that one is from a pro-cannabis website - Don't you find that IRONIC?





I won't go on... I'd be wasting my own time. But beware: I can go on.

So far my "evaluation" has not seen any proof that it is safe. Admittedly I only "evaluated" just less than half of the article, but I would be happy enough to go right to the end.


I get little for doing any of this (though some of it is kind of funny, I do enjoy it) - I am not trying to tell you not to smoke dope.

I just hope that people are not believing things they simply hear without seeing proof.


On Topic: Read my first reply in this thread if you want to know where I stand in relation to the OP's post.



P.S. Society didn't label marijuana as dangerous... the scientific community did. (I went on about proof being required to say something is true up there somewhere...enjoy)

FYI society does a pretty good job of making it out to be safe.


P.P.S. I hope someone likes this post Hehe...

BTW I am completely disillusioned with "scientific" articles and how the media describes their findings.

I haven't made any friends by writing this post, but at least my conscience is at ease.


Disclaimer: Provided only for your intellectual pleasure (LOL). No disrespect meant to any person, none made AFAIK.

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I've done my fair share of research as well. Believe me, I would not come here and act as if I knew what I was talking about so I could try and persuay her to smoking. She's obvioulsly made the decision to smoke, and it's good you provided her with those factual information resources.


Those are absolutley 100% true.


If you choose to smoke though, this is what I mean. Smoke in moderation, do NOT let it rule your life, and only smoke to relax, enjoy. Anything else can be very unhealthy.


Also, what I meant by it not being harmful was as a comparison. If you read what I said, I wrote that it's not harmful compared to the label society has given it. Marijuana is not good for you in any way, unless you have glaucoma, or other illnesses where marijuana is used as a cure.


I simply provided her with information to help her with her decision and not tell her to NOT smoke all together. In the end she'll do what she wants to, so we might as well help her stay safe.

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Thing is, people can start off with the intention of controlling it and not letting it ruin there lives. However, it can gradually become a problem that the person may not consciously be aware of. This isn't for medical reasons, so the one valid excuse doesn't apply. You can avoid a potential problem and negative side affects by just avoiding something that you don't even need to do. And you can feel just as great from other, healthier activites.


Registered, very fair and balanced post. Lots of good information.

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