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Not sure where to put this, so I put this here in General.


I'm looking for a deodorant that keeps me from sweating in my under arms. I currently use Speed Stick, but it does not help, not even in the winter.


First of all, I've spent several winters in upstate NY near the Canadian border/Great Lakes for school, where subzero temps were the norm. Now I live in DC, where the winters are relatively mild in comparison, but still is cold. But even on a cold day during the winter, I still sweat in my under arms when I'm inside a building. I tried different deodorants, and now I use Speed Stick antiperspirant, but nothing seems to work. The effects last only a few hours, then I start sweating a little bit and it makes me feel uncomfortable particularly in the winter because everyone's inside and its easy to stink up the place.


Any suggestions on how to reduce the perspiration or even a new deodorant?



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Well first off, you want an antiperspirant, not a deodorant, if you want to stop sweating.


And you have to do some trial and error. I think BAN and the Gilette Power Stripe work well (and I have tried both men and women's...). I work out a LOT, so also had to do a lot of trial and error to find right one.


One tip I learned is that if you put it on night before you go to bed, after shower and you are dried off, it enhances the "effectiveness" the next day. Also, reapply during the day if you need to, at lunch or something.


Also, if you are SMELLY, look at what you are EATING as much as what you are putting on. A lot of smell in BO can come from what you are eating (onions/spicy foods). Drink lots of water and stay hydrated too, you will often sweat less when you are properly hydrated, as your body is not trying to "cool off" so much.


Exercise too. It trains your body to perspire better, so instead of perspiring all in your armpits, your perspire more "all over" but more balanced, so it's not like stinky or soaking wet...it's weird, but I and any of my athletic friends have noticed this too.


Try and wear polypropylene clothing/undershirts too if you can, it wicks away perspiration, rather then "soaking" it up in specific spots like cotton for example can.

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No real suggestions to your specific question, other than to try different antiperspirants. I also might consider a change in diet. Part of sweat is getting rid of stuff our bodies don't want.


I have had the same issue. A plain old deordant makes things worse. An antiperspirant seems to help, but more than either, wearing a t-shirt, and not one of those tanktop ones a.k.a. the "wifebeater", at almost all times, makes it show much less. That has been the most help to me.

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Interesting... I went and got myself a cup of water, and drank it. After a few minutes of finishing the water, I stopped sweating in my underarms. I also try the antiperspirant before bed and see how more effective it is. I should also bring it with me to work just in case. Thanks all for the ideas.

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I don't really like antiperspirants. They are reported to block up the lymph nodes.


Lumps in the armpit have various causes. and superficial infections in the skin of the armpit may be due to shaving or use of antiperspirants (as opposed to deodorants).



I'm not claiming that they cause breast cancer - although that is widely disputed.

But they are known to cause blockage of the lymph nodes.

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Another more powerful one that you can get over the counter in terms of anti perspirant is Certain Dri.... it is recommended you put it on at bedtime and not immediately after a shower.


It is supposed to be more potent than regular anti perspirants and my friend swears by it!

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