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Any way you can tell if a guy is a virgin?

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LOL, just curious, since I already heard through a few posts where guys ask how can they tell if a girl is a virgin and it is thought u can tell, by the hymen, which isn't always true. It can also break in activities such as horse hiding or in some case during masturbation. Now, how can the guy, the are the ways a girl would be able to tell if he is a virgin?

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Nope, no way.


Things like not knowing what to do very much, or coming too early are sometimes "cited" as indicators, but there are plenty of people whom take years to be comfortable sexually or learn how to control orgasm, no matter how many partners they have had.


That's why it is best to have trust in your partner. Since there is no real way of knowing if a female is either, you both really have to trust and communicate with one another.

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Um... Usually they tell you. And imho that's a good thing! Why should a man be embarrassed about holding out for the right time and person? Hopefully when the time comes, you'll have the type of relationship where you'd feel comfortable enough to share the most intimate of matters with each other. Think of it this way, if you wouldn't feel comfortable telling her you're a virgin, are you really ready for the responsibilities and consequences that come with sex?


Other than honesty, I'd say the only common indicator I've noticed is hesitation and nervousness, which as Raykay pointed out isn't exclusive to virgins. Sexual behavior itself is very instinctual and we humans have been doing it for centuries without an instruction manual, so don't worry... When the time is right, everything will fall into place. Just be sure you're emotionally ready to handle the consequences and to have protection!

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They usually tell you. You can also tell because they don't usually know what they're doing. Bra straps? Very complex. Only a man with experience knows how to quickly remove a woman's clothes. Also, they usually take a loooooong time to make a move, hold hands, kiss, etc. They usually confuse love and sex or lust. They tend to fall in love very quickly with the first woman who has sex with them or especially blow jobs, hand jobs, etc.

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Well, I myself am I virgin. And like smallworld said, I am looking for the right person and waiting for the right time. I am not trying to build it up to be something incredibly spectacular...I just want it to be with someone I love. I am one of those people that will let a women know at a certain point in the relationship. So, truth to be told, do not hold your breathe for a guy to be upfront with you about his past sexual encounters. Patience is a virtue.

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Look for an umbilical chord, that would be a good clue! Just kidding!


As RayKay said it's more of a trust issue, if they tell you they are a virgin and perform like a porn star, run! There can be signs such as others have mentioned but no 100% certain method. This goes both ways, as shocking as it seems there are women who have professed their virginity but are clearly born-again-virgins.

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