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How to tell if a guy is gay.

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Yea but like what you said before ... if i could give him a good reason as to why to hangout then he would probably say yes ,but i can never thin of anything other "Because i like you" (because it can never be that simple with him) I don't know im just not really used to people questioning why i want to hangout with them. I son't what and how i should say it to him.

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My problem isn't finding what to talk about but finding the time to.


Yea but like what you said before ... if i could give him a good reason as to why to hangout then he would probably say yes ,but i can never thin of anything other "Because i like you" (because it can never be that simple with him) I don't know im just not really used to people questioning why i want to hangout with them. I son't what and how i should say it to him.


As I said, you need something to get him interested in, that he'd want to spend time with you for! That's of course, if you wanna be friends. To get people to spend time with you and be romantic...well, I have no idea I'm working on that one, I'll get back to ya

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Hey I got some question I would like to be answered.

I guess I'm a bisexual and I live in a college dorm.


Yesterday a hall mate on my floor asked me stuff out of the blues like 'Do you wanna go out with me?' 'Do you want to be my boyfriend?' and he was with a female friend. (they are not like a couple or anything)


I pretended I didn't understand that he meant that and he was like 'you are still hot though' lol


And I said 'you are shietting me' then he said yeah I am.


I found that in his facebook page it says interested in men. I don't know why he would've said that unless he's at least bisexual. Maybe he wanted to test me if I'm gay? We used to be good friends in the past but then there has been some distance between us. Although we are again in good terms.

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Just walk up to him and ask "Are you really bi?", and stare into his eyes until he responds. If he is, and you're interested in him, ask him out. If not, just make a joke about it all and walk away.


It's a bit complicated lol. He said those words in a joking way. And he knows a girl who's interested in him but he's not interested. So I think that might be why he pretended like that.


I even had these girl mates (one of them is interested in him) telling me that he was saying he was dating me and stuff like that.


I asked that question last night and he said don't worry about it.

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haha.. sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants...


True True but hey in his defense he didnt spend his WHOLE summer playing WoW , just most of it. He did hangout with his other friends (apparently they're more important then me ;( ) but thats besides the point, i sat with him at lunch!!!! yay! Then we had this convo about drugs it started off with me saying " i would say about 9 out of 10 people smoke pot in our school" and he said "Probably we have a real BIG drug problem but then again its the same everywhere else , every city has a drug problem" then i said " i know like even the people you least expect do it. I wouldnt be surprised if you smoked pot" He sorta took offense to that because then he said "what? i don't smoke pot" then i said "its ok if you do i don't care" then he said "i seriously don't" then i said " really its ok im not going to judge you, its your choice" then he said "NO! i don't smoke" then i sadi "ill still be your friend even if you do i seriously wont care at all" then he said "but i dont seriosly i don't, i sear i sear to god that i don't" then i said "ok" i guess that wasn't good enough for him because he wouldn't let it go he said "i really don't smoke pot, i never did, never will, i sear to god!" then i said "alright i believe you" then he said "i seriously don't" then i repeated myself "alright i believe you!" then we had to go ... based on how he said all of that i don't think he thinks that i believe him, but i do. So about being romantic with him ... how do i do that????

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Dude that's still nasty, didn't you see the episode of South Park where they all play WOW all day long and get big and fat, how much does this kid weigh ? LOL. The smoking pot thing is irrelevant to getting in his pants...just cut to the chase. As for being romantic, well I wish I could help you more there. Just flirt with him, sit closely to him, like so your legs are touching, see how he reacts, oddly enough I've had so called straight guys totally accept this, but the 100% straight guys move away or tell me to move over a bit usually immediately. If he's cool with this for a while see if he reciprocates i.e. begins touching you discretely...this is what I would do, but lets wait to hear from the open dudes here, since I really fail at this...

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there's a difference between being a gamer and spending MOST of the summer inside playing WOW, wouldn't you say? I don't know about you guys but here in Chicago when summer comes around I'm enjoying every bit that I can outdoors. When someone tells me they spend their summer playing WOW, I picture a kind of sloppy / unattractive guy.

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Well first off he is NOT fat! Not at all. Perhaps i wasn't clear enough. He actually claims to be "athletic" the only reason i don't call him athletic is because he isn't in any sports and i say that you have to play in sports to be athletic. He disagrees, he IS really good at playing sports and in good shape ,so he calls himself athletic (his parents do too but hey who's parents don't compliment their children?) but i don't call him athletic because he isn't part of a team. I think he only weights like 135ish and is like 5/7. But all of this is irrelevant! Pot conversation was much more relevant then this (because that was showing what we talked about) I don't mean to sound mean but i don't really care weather you find him attractive because I do and im not going to let your opinion affect my opinion. Pluss, you don't know the kid, i do. And most of the gamers i thinks of are really skinny, like him. Im sure he did go outside everyday its just when he got home he would be on the computer. Oh and South Park isn't really that good of a source. (no offense or anything)


Im sorry if i was mean in this i truly didn't mean it. It is just i HAVE to defend him, i like him that much.


Soooooooo ..... does you guys wanna hear my drama about him today??? lol im just kidding im not asking you im going post it anyways! lol!


Alright so i was walking with him after class and some girl comes up to me and says hi and we have a little small talk then she walked away but she wasnt far away. So he looks at me and says "dude you need to hit that!" and im like "what?!?!" he responds "You should hit that! i think you could" then i notice that she turned around and glared at me. Then i said to him "Dude! i think she heard you" he said "naw i don't think she did ,but you should try to get her" then i say "Oh you are the one to talk. you never get any girls even when THEY come after YOU" then he said "well yea ,because thats not me ,thats more you, and im not really interested in ..." then i said "Oh yea thats right you are not interested in girls" then he said "no its not that" then we noticed that that girl turn around again in look at us. Then he says "Oh crap i thinks she did hear us" then i say "yea thanks i have her for like three classes, now im going to have to explain that one to her" then he says "ah who cares its not like anyone would believe it ,because if they do then they must not know you" then i say "what is that suppose to mean?" he replies "oh, nothing" then im like "ok what ever" so then we had to part and then i saw him at lunch and there are four of us that sit there , him and I and two other guys. I noticed that every time i started a conversation ,even if i wasn't talking to him, he would stare at me. Like example, he is sitting accross of me but then i start talking to the cuy at my right , talking about something of no importance and nothing to do with him ,but he looks straight up at me and he looked very .... ummm i don't know how to describe it ... umm alert i guess is the best work to describe his facial expressions. So i would then start talking to HIM not the person is started then conversation with or not even the person who it is about but him. (this happened several times) Ok so after lunch we are just sitting at the table talking and he remembers what happens earlier and brings that up again he asks me "hey what happened with that one girl?" then i turn to the other guys at our table and tell them the story by saying "oh yea! hey this guy right here ... " then he interrupted me and said "No, just tell me what happened. You dont have to tell them about it" so then i say "oh well nothing yet i haven't seen her yet" then he says "oh" and he looks in the crowd of people and points to a girl and says "thats some one i would like" of course he had to pick the HOTTEST and most popular girl in the whole school. So i say to him "oh please you have about a snow ball's chance in hell at getting her. no offense but you are not even her type, and why is it that the only time you talk about girls , you talk about one that YOU know that you can't get?" then he shrugged it off and didn't really respond. That was the first time in a LONG time that we have talked about girls with each other, and i think that is the first time EVER when HE started the conversation about them.


I'm probably breathing too much into it but i still don't understand him. Im REALLY sorry it was so long.



Oh and B.t>W. we happen to live in the suburbs of chicago! lol!

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Dude I came to this conclusion based on how you described him, I mean you made him sound pretty unattractive heheh...but I'll acquiesce, it really doesn't matter as long as you find him attractive.


That said, if a guy did this to me I would automatically think he's not into me, gay or straight. I've had this happen to me before with the guy I was into in when I was living abroad, he literally said the same thing to me when a chick came up to me and was flirting with me. I almost would rather guys like this be complete jackasses than send confusing messages like this, one minute they seem totally into you the next they seem like they only want to get rid of you but don't have the balls to tell you directly. I f-ing hate this, it's like he's totally screwing with your mind. I honestly think the sooner you drop him the better, what do the rest of you guys think? Am I wrong in my assumption? I'm seriously just basing it off of my own experience, I know it sucks for me to tell you this, but the sooner the better.

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Whaaaat are you guys talking about???? We are getting closer everyday, hes not putting a barrier between us. Or least it certainty doesn't seem like it.



Idk ... maybe your right but i want to so something with him but i don't know how to say it or ask it. I havent pushed to hang out with him this school year (even though he thought i was before but i really wasnt) but when he thought i was he didn't put up much of a fight and he sad "why do we need to hangout?" rather than saying a straight up no. but i just said "oh no thats not what im getting at" like idk ... how should i go about asking him?

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"Why do we need to hangout," that sounds alot like "no" to me, it sounds like this guy won't say "no" because he is playing mr. nice guy


I agree with ceez, he probably wants some sort of friendship, albeit based on this "I don't want to hang out with you outside of the school year" bollocks, a quasi-distance one, but he's not into you like you are into him. I mean you can keep "chasing" him and hope that maybe he develops feelings for you, like you have for him, or you can back off and see his response. If he comes to you and asks why you are avoiding him you can basically tell him that you want to become better "friends" with him and "hang out," and that he doesn't seem interested in pursuing that.




You can somehow get him to hang out with you alone, sit close to him and just start talking to him, keeping focusing on his eyes to see if he responds back, if he begins looking at you with the same intensity or he seems a bit nervous but not in a "back the f away from me sort of way," then try and go in for a kiss...sometimes it's better to express things with actions and not words...just an idea.

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THATS IT!!!! thats what ive been trying to say, it seems like hes nervous and irritated but not in such a bad way. like today the other guys at the table were talking about something and i was like "no thats not how it happened" and the guy i like not the person who was talking said "you always take things too serious , you are just like a chick!" i wanted to say im like a chick in more ways then you know but of course i didnt say that but i did say "yea you are probably right" he youave to remember he was SMILING while he said that so he didnt mean any offence ( so he basically told me that i take him too serious and i think you uys are taking it more serious then i am" i don't know why you guys are being SO pessimistic NOW i mean i could see you saying that like a mounth ago but NOW im SO HAPPY so why can't you be happy for me? i don't think my problem is that im dragging it out i think its the opposite (im going too FAST)


but when it all comes down to it im really not all that sure im kinda just saying my thoughts because if i was sure then i wouldnt be asking you guys for help. lol!



Oh and its really weird because often when we are talking about something on here he does something about it like there has been many times he has done things you say to look for RIGHT AFTER you say it .... its almost as if he is reading this ....

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Dude I don't mean to be pessimistic, I mean I'm just going on your interpretation and what you're describing. If you really feel that you have a chance with him then definitely try going in for a kiss, but time it right, get a good conversation going and make sure you guys are somewhere private.

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