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Everything posted by chiefoptimizer

  1. what do you mean impressionable? already been...went alright until THAT GUY came in, and god only knows why my mood plumeted when i lost him in the crowd...
  2. i'm out on fbook, and thus new friends i add will be able to find out if they look it up, but originally, when I came out on fbook, the people on there were the ones i trusted already, and most of them already knew i'm gay. thanks...turns out, the place you're at is not the only factor - if you've got issues in your head, even in manchester you can go three years without meeting any lgbt people...i only started going to the uni lgbt events last may. got an lgbt pub crawl tonight that i'm looking forwards to now! woohoo!!
  3. OMG, this is a beautiful story now that you've posted the update. I read the OP, not noticing the date, and was about to say it's a lot like me in 8 years or so, lol. I'm glad it all worked out so well for you, it means there's still hope for people like me! It's so much easier to accept being gay and to be open about it after you've told the first few people isn't it? The first one is always the hardest... not sure about the parents thing tho...they did say once that they'd want me dead if i turned out gay, lol, so they're gonna have to find out on their own...
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