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I have recently been reading about "cuddle parties" where strangers come together for one hour each week and cuddle. It seems interesting and a good idea. I was wondering if anyone here knows more about them, or if anyone has ever attended one. Are there any concerns about going to one? If anyone has any information about them, it would be greatly appreciated.

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For more information and background:






Personally, I enjoy my personal space and I'm not high on the idea of stranges cuddling with me. I'm all for hugs and I'm a cuddle machine - but I actually want to know the person really well first, not have strangers doing it.

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Thank you, Shy.

I was howling while reading that site.



It does warn: It is not a 60's event. You are not allowed to smoke dope to artificially love everyone.

That, must come naturally...


Cuddling strangers.

What will they think of next.


Oh, before I forget - do check out that site if you are interested.

There is a lot of information you may want to take into consideration.

Such as: Tell your SO if you want to attend a party alone (LOL)

Erections are perfectly normal - get used to it, etc.


Have... fun(?)

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IMO, cuddling isn't something you can enjoy with someone you don't know.


Cuddling is a very intimate thing... It's not sexual, but very intimate and I'd only enjoy it with a close friend or partner.


I agree with antigravity on that one.


Plus, what if you went to one of these parties and got stuck cuddeling with someone who had BO.... gag....


I always think of the worst case scenerio.... especially on this topic because it has to do with bodyspace. I'd we weary of letting strangers into my cuddeling zone- I would worry about BO, nasty breath, or socially-inept perverts, or people with Frotteurism


I guess I'm kinda picky about my cuddeling....but I'd love ot be a fly on the wall at one of these parties because it sounds quite funny. I can almost picture it.



pineapple_juice, if you go to one of these parties, let us know how you make out!







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I guess I'm kinda picky about my cuddeling....but I'd love ot be a fly on the wall at one of these parties because it sounds quite funny. I can almost picture it.




Hahaha I agree! I think the whole situation would be too amusing for me to even relax to enjoy a good cuddle.


Bwahahahaha :silly:

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