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My worst feel realized.

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Yeah, it's official. My ex has found a lady. As far as I know, they started talking a week after we split.


I have been NC for like 18 days now. I broke it today to call him, not about the woman friend.. but just to call. Didn't answer, left a voicemail.


I feel like I just had a bowling ball knocked into my stomach.

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I'm so sorry nataliejulie, I really am, I know that must be extremely painful for you to hear. I have been in NC for a while now as well and I think all the time about what my ex is up to and whether or not she is seeing anyone, but then I think of how it would feel to really know, especially if the answer was "yes" and I know that it would just hurt way too much...I'm sorry for you, I truly am

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Yeah, it's official. My ex has found a lady. As far as I know, they started talking a week after we split.


I have been NC for like 18 days now. I broke it today to call him, not about the woman friend.. but just to call. Didn't answer, left a voicemail.


I feel like I just had a bowling ball knocked into my stomach.


Sorry to hear this natalie, it certainly is normal to feel as hurt as you do....that gut punch. I remember it pretty well, gone through it a few times. One time I found out they were getting married...!!!


I am sorry, big hugs, stay strong sweetie, you have come a long way and you will be okay.

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I'm sorry too. I am INTIMATELY familiar with how this feels. It's just awful...

words can't even begin to describe it. I've gone through this two times before, and both times my ex went out with one of my friends. I know how torturous it is to think of your ex loving someone else. I'm currently going through another breakup, and it is hell just like the other ones... but I've got a lot of experience and insights I didn't have before. If you want to talk to someone who understands, please don't hesitate to send me a private message - I am happy to discuss this with you because I know how much it hurts...

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You know what, we've all been through it, and most of us are still experiencing it. But let me tell you, sometimes, meaning most of the time, it's just better not to know. I've asked my friends (who were also my ex's friends) to not tell me anything about him unless I ask. Because as you know, it just hurts too much to hear about how they are moving on without you and you're just stuck in a rut. Hang in there, I'm not going to say it'll get better with time because I don't know that, but just keep busy, and next thing you know, you'll be moving on as well. *hugs*

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I don't know if this will help you or not, but it often helps me in these situations.


My worst feel realized


Is it really your worst fear? Whenever I start to get down about a man, I turn on CNN and I see the horrible earthquakes, hurricane katrina, people dying of AIDS, tsunamis, famine etc, where people have lost their lives and everything they have.


I look at my own life and say, "I have a my health, home, food, clothing, a job, school, friends. I don't have a boyfriend right now though. However, I know that every single person who is starving in Africa would trade lives with me in a heartbeat."


This is what helps me put stuff back in perspective for myself.


((((BIG HUG)))) NJ - you're going to be fine

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Is this a rebound? Someone tell me it's a rebound.


A week after we break up? Cmon now!





*sigh* Maybe, maybe not. Some people even go off and marry their rebound.


Anyways, don't worry. He's another girl's problem now


He was a bastard and a jerk, and he wasn't good enough for you anyways.


I think we should all feel sorry for the girl that's gotten involved with him. She has NO IDEA what kind of an abusive jerk she just met.

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Hey Natalie...


I understand you're bummed right now, but consider the source of your pain here. A guy who had no respect for you, who yelled at you constantly and called you names. How long do you suspect his next relationship will last with his little "anger" problem? Maybe she'll be the type who doesn't mind abuse , who knows? The point is....he is NOT YOUR problem anymore. Be thankful.Try to see the positive side of being single...I know it's tough right now...but give it some time and you might start to really enjoy it.

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onmyownagain -- November 3rd we split. The weeks before that, I was with him during most of his free time (he works & goes to school). His cell phone barely rang and if it did, it was either his family or close guy friends. Whenever I wasn't around, he was working (with all guys, at a car dealership, mind you) or he was at school, which he always complained how there was no one he could become friends with. so I'm 120% positive that he didn't meet this girl before me. The last time we talked (3 weeks ago), he actually TOLD me he went on a date with a girl he met through his best friend... and of course, I was livid, because it was only a week after we split.



So yeah, he's a bad guy. There's a lot of awful things he has done to me. There's a whole lot more awful qualities about him that I know he will carry to each and every relationship. But, to be honest, it doesn't make me feel any better.


He still hasn't called me back. I didn't call purposely because I was planning on asking about the other girl (and if he does, I'm defintely not even going to ask because I don't want to know)... I just wanted to pop myself back in the picture for this time being.

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Sorry to hear about this, Natalie...First of all, DO NOT CALL him. Absolutely not. You are just asking questions to which you don't want answers...He'll either tell you the truth, lie about it, or be ambivalent. In any situation you'll feel ten times worse. Just let it lie. And remember, people ALWAYS compare their current partner with exes, and if your relationship with him was mostly enjoyable and compatible (which is still a question mark from what I read in your posts), he will remember how great you were. It often takes only one fight with his new girl to change his perspectives on you. Just keep up the NC and take good care of yourself.


I fully understand how you feel now. I am just back from the trip to my ex to get my remaining possessions from his place. And I got to know that he'd already slept with someone else since he broke up with me 10 weeks ago. And he would go outside hearing range to answer his cell when one particular ringtone started ringing. I was hurt. And I am vacillating between deeply hurt and seemingly not care. It'll probably be the last push to make me move on and start over. Who knows? This might be a good things to help you close this chapter of your book and start anew. Just hang in there. Just remember, you are a great catch and you deserve so much better than him...

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