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Ok so as some of you may know, 2 girls in a row have left me for another guy. As a mater of fact I have never broken up with any girl I've dated, not a single one.


This is really starting to get to me, I can't figure out why the hell this keep happening to me. I ask all of them what I did wrong as a boyfriend and they all reply nothing, you're a really great guy. So if I'm so great then why the hell do they keep leaving?


All of this pain from relationships has already left me with major trust issues. My most recent ex spent a lot of time telling me I had nothing to worry about (with the new guy) and she took the trust I placed in her and in our relationship and walked all over it. It was really hard for me to trust her after the girl before her left me. So now my real question is how am I supposed to ever be trusting again? Love and relationships has brought me nothing but false hopes and broken dreams. Sure I learned some lessons and had some good times but I really don't trust anyone anymore.


How do some of you deal with trust issues?

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You know Hannibal, your experience for some reason reminds me of my and ex boyfriend of mine...not the current one though


This guy had a bestfriend who happened to be a girl...I was never jealous..I was better looking then her even if she was younger...I didn't care and I always felt confident...


Then the ex started telling me about how "A" looks better because she lost xx amount of pounds, etc...


She was not a very nice person and when she saw that my ex and I were getting serious she decided that she wanted God in her life and started attending church with us...lol...Eventhough my ex had been inviting her for years...


We did eventually break up because this girl accused me of not liking her etc. My ex and I parted ways...I could not deal with that "high school" mentality, from him or her...


Forward to two years later and I was dating again...my current ex...hmmm... and I saw them in a restaurant eating together...I did not see them actually, they saw me...


They came over to say hi and at first I did not recognize them...He was huge and she looked pregnant...I laughed sooo hard that night...

My point is that as you get older, you are going to laugh at your life experiences...wait and see



What is my point? Things my not work out for you now...I was also looking at your age...do you really want to get serious with someone so young...


go out with your friends...Grow as an individual..see what you want from life.. then you will be ready for a nice steady relationship and then when you start dating again...take your time...learn to trust again...


Teenage girls don't want to settle, they want to "expand" their experiences, make new friends..to them dating is just a recreational activity...


take care of yourself



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I understnad that girls at this age don't want to settle, but my last girlfriend for some reason was always talking about marriage. Like really why the eff would you talk to me about marriage until my fears go away and I actually start thinking I may want to do it and then go and expand your experiences.

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The reason you trust and learn to trust again is because one day you'll find the right person and be happy. You can't live your life wondering about complaining about how people did you wrong when it happened in the past. I understand how hard it is, I've been there, but you HAVE to move on and start again for your sake.


Girls lie, girls like to talk about marriage, but in truth, we're just as scared of commitment as guys are sometimes too! Take age into consideration, and also think about the life lessons you're learning from all of this.


I dealt with trust issues by just remembering, everyone's different, and as a result, every relationship is going to be different. Also, each relationship is new, don't bring old relationship baggage into it. You'll have much more chance of making it work that way

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