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Rape Grrr hate Men

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I just was whatchin the TV and channel hopping and then there was this scene where a cop had pulled over this women in the night in a deserted road, pressed her up against the car and prosseded to rape her, while she was pleading with him that she was pregnant.

As soon as i got the jist of what was going on i turned of the tv and stormed right here. I hate men i feel disgusted to be one, to know that we are capable of doing such a disgusting and evil act against anyone is GRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!, Oh how i hate it just wish there was some way to kill every man who has ever raped anyone. Bang gone and serve them right its just anouther branch of torture but it so demeaning and sick. That any man could do that oh it makes me sick with anger!

Why do they do it? oh why why would you want to turn something that is meant to be beautifull and special into a way to break someones sole and ruin their trust in human nature. Oh god why!


Sorry people i needed some way to vent that, i got so worked up, i dont know why i thank god have never been raped but i feel such a hatred for it, if i didnt rant i wasnt going to get any sleep tonight.


Does anyone else feel the same way i do about this, i mean such a pasionate hatred for it and all that comite it?


Thanks for puttin up with the rant though. i feel a little better.

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Rape does suck man, but it happens. It irritates me so much too. I mean it's horrible. But I do not think the men rape for the sex. I think it is more about the power of being able to do it. Anyway, a few weeks or a week ago we had "Rape Awareness Week" at my college. Articles in the school newspaper were talking about it and there were some activities going on about it.


I do not hate the people that do it. I would rather not hate someone. I much rather hate what they do. I want so badly to make it stop. The people need help if they rape someone. Rape isn't cool at all. I doubt many will think it is cool to begin with...but you know.


Venting is good, just don't let it anger you too much.

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Well, as someone who has been in similar situations and had many friends who have been raped or assaulted, I can say I don't hate men.


I do however hate the perpetuation of this violence. Rape is rarely about the sex, it is usually about the power and control someone can have over someone else. Often it may be due to anger, or abuse they suffered themselves. Whom knows, it's not an excuse though. It is terrible and does cause tremendous damage on those whom were victims of it and their loved ones...and society in general.

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Dude, rape is wrong, but what if it was a show on guys raping guys? Would you still be as mad? Or what about girls raping girls? Would you hate all girls too? And what about all of the fake rape, fake sexual harassment claims? Do men deserve to be hated for these as well?


Rape is wrong, but sexism can't be justified either.

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hey i know how you feel i have never been raped before either but i hate that some guys are sick enough to do that. i was watching the news the other day and some guy was on there talking about how he wanted to be able to have sexual relationships with little kids like 7 and8 year olds how gross is that.

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RAPE IS DISGUSTING!!! Take it from someone who has expirenced this aweful situsation. I hate men at the moment, I dont trust them nor do i trust my own descisons.


People who rape should suffer and be brought to justice!!!

You say "People who rape should suffer and be brought to justice" and i agree but that does not justify hating men nor does it justify your mistrust of them although i believe that not trusting men is your choice. Iv never raped someone nor can i help my gender not that i would change it if i had the chance.


heloladies21: said "And what about all of the fake rape, fake sexual harassment claims?"


I think this is a good point to include, a girl has falsly accused me of rape before and it was the most horrible thing that has ever happened to me before.. luckily for me there was of course no evidence and she later admitted to lying about the accusation, but it makes you think, does that give me the right to hate all women. I dont believe it does and so i think you should give guys a chance, anything less would be plain ignorant.

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Rape is another form of murder. It really is. Not only do you kill someone's esteem in every aspect, but you kill their self worth along with everything else. Rapists not only possess a lack of self respect, they too bear none for others. No human soul can be more foul and baseless than a rapist.


And justice for all.

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i agree. I despise rapists. like the previous poster- rape kills your soul...it shatters it and it takes so long to bring it to life again- if you ever do.


For those who say they don't "hate" the rapists...let me tell you- if they hurt your sister, or your child, boy or girl, believe me- you would HATE them.


I try not to hate anyone, because I feel hate consumes a lot of good in life and it's a terrible sentiment. I don't think about it. However 'rape' is one of those things that when I hear about it it feels me up with disgust and complete anger.


I know if someone did it to me or a loved one I would hate.


How can one not despise those people i.e.: katrina hurricane, raping those innocent, scared denfenseless girls in the bathroom?

How can these rapists be SO sick, so cruel...they're inhumane.


It is so sad that we have come to the point in this world where people can just say "yeah rape is bad, but hey it happens"... makes me really sad things are so ugly nowadays.


OH- and as for myself, i am disgusted if it is men or women getting raped.

There is NO double standard on this- i am repulsed by the rapist, not by a sex of the rapist

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For those who say they don't "hate" the rapists...let me tell you- if they hurt your sister, or your child, boy or girl, believe me- you would HATE them.


Noone at all has said they dont hate rapists.. people have only pointed out that it is prejudice to say men are evil or bad because a small portion of them are rapists, not to say all rapists are men of course.

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well that is what i understood by some posts- and i apologize if i was wrong.


but yes hating one sex because of it is not right. It is not men's fault that some men do it- just like it is not our fault there are bimbos in this world ;-P


i just cant stand people who do this to other people, specifically THEM, not the sex in general

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Yes im sorry about focusing on the men thing, hey im a man i know loads of guys who would never do anything like that. I for one would rather kill myself.

i did focus on men alot and im sorry but its just that men do it more than women. Men rape men, they rape women children, animals even its just sick. Women do rape but i have never heard of any cases though im sure they do exsist.

I get angry coz i feel like because of the evil actions of a few the good people of this world are tortured. Whether its the direct victim. or if its the person who is wrongly accused, or if its the gender which is effected by generalisation, which i actualy gave a perfect example of.

I just hate the act and the people that do it, they are evil, some people here have been very kind and have said that its caused by an underlying pshycological problem, well thats fine if they werent messed up in the head then they really would be pure evil. But it is not excuse, not that you have said it is but if you think about it, no matter what the cause does not mean they deserve pity or understanding, everyone is acountable for their actions, if it was a child killer would people be so understanding? i think not.


We are all acountable for our actions there is no excuse for what we do, we do it and we are responsible for it. no easy ways out, if you do wrong then you deserve whatever punishment is law. People know this before they do it if they still do it then they should be made to accept the punishment that they have bought by their actions.

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