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Dating after a break up


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I've been single for a month now. I've been on 1 date, which I enjoyed, the guy was gorgeous and we got along, but a few days after he text to say he didn't want a relationship. I suspect he thought I wanted one cause I didn't sleep with him. (Just the kind of guy he is) Fine with me. I saw him at the weekend sucking face with someone I know, but I didn't care.


Just after my break up, I got talking to a barman who asked a friend for my number. I didn't think anything of it, and we became friends. I felt I'd made it clear that was all I wanted, until he text me to say he wanted to "jump into bed with me." It didn't stop there, he sent me a few more texts asking for sex, I told him no. Then he thought he'd stir up some trouble with my ex and tell him I'd come onto him.


I met another guy online, who was a great help to me when I was bawling my eyes out every night. he'd call me and calm me down, we'd talk about junk, and have a laugh. He's 32, I'm 19. He decided we couldn't be friends cause he wanted to sleep with me. He even offered to pay me to sleep with him. I was fuming.


I seem to attract this sort of guy, any tips how to get myself back into the swing of dating, and how to attract nicer guys?

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If you have any guys you are friends with, and nothing more, ask for their opinion. But make sure they know you want it flat out, cold, not candy-coated, etc., and don't get mad if you don't like what you hear.


One other thing to nore is that guys test women and how they treat sex. We may accept the one-night stand, because we want the sex. but for many guys, the woman who has the one-night stand is not acceptable for a long term partner. We want to know it is a little harder to get into our woman's pants, thinking this makes it less likely someone else will. So, it may be that when he seems to want quick sex, he is testing you.

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