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Today after four months of being broken up...................well, let's just say, one of mutual friends did some pokin' around on my behalf, but not at my request..................she asked my exwomanfriend, if she could see us getting back together..............her reply was "i don't think i ever really was in love with him, so no."


The response to this seems obvious enough........just move on. However this is right now, insanely difficult, and i just don't see how i'm going to get over this.................being rejected by someone, you gave your best to be with.............i'm just a mess, and am asking for similar stories, advice, and support which may help me through tonight...............and for the first time tomorrow truly believe that it is over.




thank you all so much.

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It happens to the best of us. You are not the only one who has gone through is or will go through this. The problem is that many people can't recognize the good things they have in front of them so they use and abuse it. She said how she felt about you and as hard as it will be, you need to get over her and grow strong for the next girl that will come along. You will eventually find the right girl for you that will appreciate you. A good tip though, so that you don't get burned in the future by an ex is...DONT CONTACT THEM! Even if it was your friend, don't listen to what they have to say or anything. It will only make you think about them more and get hurt. Nothing good can come from contacting an ex...


As for tomorrow..well just get a good night's rest tonight. Tomorrow you will wake up new and think positive. Don't let her comment get to you.

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The feeling of hopelessness after having your heartbroken - well, who hasn't had that? When my boyfriend and I broke up last November after two and a half years, I was sure, I was CONVINCED, that I would never be the same, and that he had stole my heart and my ability to love for the longest time. I was digging myself into a hole. I ended up coming here, realizing that my strife was soooo common and began to turn things around - coming to terms with the fact that we were never meant to be, that I hadn't left the relationship empty-handed (I had LEARNED), and basically I just knew...that no matter what happened, everything...eventaully....would work itself out. Nobodies miserable forever over a break up. So through all your pain, if it is any solace, just remember, that you will eventually heal. For me, I thought it would take years to get over the devastation, but here i am, 11 months later feeling content. You will too...and probably sooner than you think.

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you have friends here..a little bit more than a month ago..my girl that was proffesing her love to me and discussing marriage turned totally cold on me my friend..we came back from costa rica in aug..thinking that this trip was going to unify us even more...i was so happy we had a great time instead it was the start of the end! she would tell me please dont break my heart ..we are going to get married right? what a joke..the last thing i heard from her mouth was i dont love you lie you love me and there is no way i can imagine having children with you..mind you my friend i treated this girl like gold...i think maybe too good...so we are all here trying to heal...but please stay away..dont contact her..i did today and i feel like total crap-ola

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